Technology Testing and Certification

Last Updated

Given the timeframes, there may be circumstances where ITL testing of critical gaming systems1 cannot be fully completed by February 28. In these circumstances, and again on a case-by-case basis commensurate with risk, the AGCO will consider providing temporary approval for critical gaming systems to facilitate operations at launch in the following circumstances:

  • The critical gaming systems being deployed in the regulated Ontario market at launch have prior ITL certification in another jurisdiction and have been submitted to an ITL for testing and certification against the Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming.

  • The Registrant seeking ITL certification confirms that those critical gaming systems, although not yet fully certified, are materially in compliance with AGCO Standards.

  • Any deficiencies identified by ITLs will be addressed expeditiously or the aspects of the critical gaming systems with deficiencies will be withdrawn from the regulated Ontario market in a timely manner (see Standards 4.09.6 and 4.10).

  • Full certification of required critical gaming systems shall be completed within 3 months of launch.

This process will be facilitated by the Technology Regulation and Compliance Branch. Registrants should contact for further details.

The Registrar reserves the power to revoke any critical gaming system approval in the event that ITL certification is not received or the Standards are not met.

1 Critical gaming systems are a sub-set of “gaming equipment”, which is in turn defined in the Gaming Control Act 1992. The components of these systems include games, random number generators, and components of igaming systems that accept, process, determine the outcome of, display, and log details about player bets and wagers.