10. Game Play and Management (iGaming)

Display and Game Information

Note: This Standard is only applicable to the OLG’s igaming activities. All other igaming Operators wishing to enter Ontario’s regulated market should refer to the Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming.

10.1 The player shall be provided with accurate information to enable the player to make informed choices.

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. For each game, the theoretical payout shall be provided:
    1. For games that include progressive awards, limited time awards, metamorphic elements or game-within-a-game awards, the variable contribution of such awards to the theoretical payout percentage shall be clearly disclosed;
    2. For games which have different theoretical payout percentages for different betting options, the lowest theoretical payout percentage of all betting options shall be disclosed, as a minimum;
    3. For games that have skill and/or strategy components, the theoretical payout percentage shall be calculated using a disclosed, generally known and/or publicly available strategy. If there is no such standard/published strategy, the theoretical payout percentage shall be calculated using a blind strategy (random choice).
  2. Games with elements of skill or strategy shall either disclose the optimal strategy or provide other information to the player that is sufficient to derive the optimal strategy.
  3. For any top award that has a probability of less than 1 in 17 million to win, the probability shall be disclosed to the player.
  4. For any other award that has a probability of less than 1 in 34 million to win, the probability shall be disclosed to the player.

10.2 Information shall be displayed for a length of time that is sufficient for the player to understand their bet and the result of the game.

Speed and Interruption

10.3 Where speed of interaction has an effect on the player’s chances of winning, the Operator shall take reasonable steps to ensure the player is not unfairly disadvantaged due to gaming system related performance issues.

10.4 Service interruptions shall be responded to and dealt with in a way that does not disadvantage players.

Requirements – At a minimum, the gaming system shall:

  1. Inform players that the speed of connection or processor may have, or appear to have, an effect on the game;
  2. Recover from failures that cause interruptions to the game in a timely fashion;
  3. Where appropriate, void bets;
  4. Retain sufficient information to be able to restore events to their pre-failure state, if possible;
  5. Return bets to players where a game cannot be continued after a service interruption.

10.5 For all single player games, a mechanism shall be in place to require a player to complete an incomplete game before a player is allowed to participate in any other games, where possible.

Peer-to-Peer Games

10.6 For all peer-to–peer games, the player shall be made aware of possible communication loss and the impact to the player in such an event.

10.7 Operators shall ensure that no programs are used to participate in peer-to-peer games with players (e.g. robots).

10.8 Mechanisms shall be in place to detect and prevent situations where players in peerto- peer games may be using software/programs (e.g. robot play) to create an unfair advantage during game play.

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. OLG shall require the player to enter into an agreement which clearly states that using software or programs to play games on a player’s behalf is prohibited.

10.9 A mechanism shall be in place to allow players to report suspected use of robots.

10.10 A mechanism shall be in place to ensure that a player cannot play against himself/herself.

10.11 Players shall not be unjustly treated or unfairly disadvantaged by the actions of other players.

10.12 Where players are unjustly treated or unfairly disadvantaged by the actions of other players, a mechanism shall be in place to detect, log and respond appropriately to this behaviour.

Determination of Game Outcomes

10.13 All possible game outcomes (winning and losing outcomes) shall be available in each play, unless clearly explained in the rules of play.

10.14 The probability of game outcomes in virtual games shall be the same as in the associated live game (e.g. card games), unless the differences are set out in the rules of play and communicated to players.

10.15 The probability of achieving any specific game outcome shall be constant and independent of game history, player or any other factor.

Guidance: The intent is to ensure that where the outcome of a game should be truly random (i.e. dice games, slot games), the outcome is not dependent or based upon any game history or other factors. This Standard is not meant to prohibit games which are based on cumulative play i.e. metamorphic games.

10.16 Bets shall be committed before the selection of game elements and associated game outcomes. Any wager received after the selection of game elements or associated game outcomes associated with the wager shall be voided and returned to the player.

Randomness of Game Outcomes

10.17 A mechanism shall be in place to randomly select game elements used to determine game outcomes.

10.18 The mechanism used to select game elements and their associated game outcomes shall be impervious to outside influences: including electro-magnetic interference; devices within or external to the gaming system; characteristics of the communications channel between the gaming system and the end player device; players; and the Operator.

10.19 Mechanical and electrical devices used to select game elements and their associated game outcomes shall meet the following:

  1. Components shall be constructed of materials that will not degrade or impact the randomness of the selection before their scheduled replacement lifecycle;
  2. The devices shall be capable of being monitored and inspected to ensure the integrity of the device and randomness of the generated outcomes.

10.20 The selected game elements and their associated game outcomes shall not be influenced, affected or controlled by the amount wagered, or by the style or method of play unless the conditions of play are changed and are clearly disclosed to the player.

10.21 The selected game elements and their associated game outcomes shall not be altered, discarded or otherwise manipulated through a secondary decision by the game program.

10.22 There shall be a mechanism in place to ensure that the randomness of selected game elements is not impacted by load on the gaming system.

10.23 Selected game elements shall not be supplied to more than one player, unless required by the rules of play.

10.24 Initial values and conditions shall be selected and used to seed the random selection process in a way that ensures the randomness of the resulting game outcomes, and avoids any correlation of selected game elements with elements selected by any other instances of the mechanism.

10.25 Re-initialization of initial values shall be kept to a minimum. Initial values shall be reinitialized, if corrupted.

10.26 Where the random selection process is interrupted, the next selection shall be a function of the selection produced immediately prior to the interruption, where possible.

10.27 Any failure of the mechanism used to select game elements shall be quickly identified and responded to in an appropriate and timely manner in order to minimize the effect on players.

10.28 Where there is a failure of the mechanism used to select game elements, games that rely upon that mechanism shall be made unavailable until the failure has been rectified.

Automated Functionality

10.29 A mechanism shall be in place to ensure that the player retains control of betting where auto-wagering functionality is provided.

Requirements – At a minimum, the auto-wagering functionality shall:

  1. Enable the player to choose the bet, and either the number of auto-wagering bets or the total amount to be bet.
  2. Enable the player to stop the auto-wagering regardless of how many auto-wagering bets were initially chosen or how many remain.
  3. Not override any of the display requirements, e.g. the result of each bet shall be displayed for a reasonable length of time before the next bet commences.
  4. Enable the player to limit the dollar amount gambled and/or length of play.
  5. Provide reasonable limits to the length of time auto-wagering can continue.

Game Management

10.30 Where applicable, game interface changes made by the player shall be appropriately limited by the gaming system to ensure that information and representation of the game remains fair and accurate and in accordance with the rules of play.

10.31 Rules of play shall not be changed during a game session unless the player is made aware of the change and no bets have been placed by the player.

10.32 Where games have been changed, players shall be notified of the changes and the impact on the rules of play before the game is played.

10.33 All game sessions shall be appropriately secured and checked for authenticity.

10.34 There shall be a player inactivity time-out that automatically logs the player out or ends the player’s session after a specified period of inactivity.

Downloadable Game Content

10.35 All downloadable games shall be set up and provided to the player in a secure manner with all relevant information provided to the player.

Requirements – At a minimum, downloadable games shall include:

  1. Separate and distinct rules of play.
  2. Separate and distinct security parameters.

10.36 All critical functions, including the generation of the outcome of any game, shall be generated by the gaming system, independently of the end player device.

Guidance: The intent is for the Operator to maintain control (i.e. security, integrity) of all critical game functions.

Collusion and Cheating

10.37 Mechanisms shall be in place in order to facilitate investigation of collusion and cheating and, if necessary, deactivation of player accounts or player sessions in a timely fashion when detected.