As of June 5, 2023, Trainers are required to report all Stabling Locations online through the iAGCO portal .
Note: Any Stabling Location changes must be reported within five (5) days.
To report a Stabling Location on the iAGCO online portal, follow these steps:
- Log in to your iAGCO account, and select Submit Regulatory Submission and Notifications on the Main Menu, under ADDITIONAL OPTIONS
- Under HORSE RACING, select Notification of Stabling Location(s)
- Confirm your contact information and complete the Submitter’s Role field (ie. Trainer), and click “Next”
- You will see the list of your EXISTING STABLING LOCATION(S) if details are provided on a new Trainer application and/or a Notification of Stabling Location(s) regulatory submission on or after June 5, 2023
- If you are no longer stabled at an existing location, select an “End Date” for the location
- To add a new Stabling Location, click the Add Stabling Location button and complete the Stabling Location details.
- Note: If you are returning to a location that is listed in the Existing Stabling Location(s) section, please enter the same Stable Location name and address (if applicable) and select a new “Start Date”
- Select “Save & Close”
- You may be prompted with a correction to your address entry, “Accept Correction” or “Ignore Correction”, select “Save & Close”
- You will see your new Stabling Location(s) listed in the NEW STABLING LOCATION(S) section. Select “Next”
- Read DECLARATION statement, and select “Submit”
- You will be sent an iAGCO — Regulatory Submission and Notification Confirmation through email which includes a summary of your updated Stabling Location(s). The Summary will also be available in your public portal account under the REGULATORY SUBMISSIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS section on the Main Menu.