Regulatory Submission – How to Report your Stabling Location(s)

As of June 5, 2023, Trainers are required to report all Stabling Locations online through the iAGCO portal

Note: Any Stabling Location changes must be reported within five (5) days.

To report a Stabling Location on the iAGCO online portal, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your iAGCO account, and select Submit Regulatory Submission and Notifications on the Main Menu, under ADDITIONAL OPTIONS
  2. Under HORSE RACING, select Notification of Stabling Location(s)
  3. Confirm your contact information and complete the Submitter’s Role field (ie. Trainer), and click “Next”
  4. You will see the list of your EXISTING STABLING LOCATION(S) if details are provided on a new Trainer application and/or a Notification of Stabling Location(s) regulatory submission on or after June 5, 2023
  5. If you are no longer stabled at an existing location, select an “End Date” for the location
  6. To add a new Stabling Location, click the Add Stabling Location button and complete the Stabling Location details.
    1. Note: If you are returning to a location that is listed in the Existing Stabling Location(s) section, please enter the same Stable Location name and address (if applicable) and select a new “Start Date”
    2. Select “Save & Close”
    3. You may be prompted with a correction to your address entry, “Accept Correction” or “Ignore Correction”, select “Save & Close”
  7. You will see your new Stabling Location(s) listed in the NEW STABLING LOCATION(S) section. Select “Next”
  8. Read DECLARATION statement, and select “Submit”
  9. You will be sent an iAGCO — Regulatory Submission and Notification Confirmation through email which includes a summary of your updated Stabling Location(s). The Summary will also be available in your public portal account under the REGULATORY SUBMISSIONS AND NOTIFICATIONS section on the Main Menu.