The AGCO continued to support the Open Government initiative, which aims to create a more open and transparent government by sharing data and information, and consulting with the people of Ontario.

In accordance with the Open Data Directive, the AGCO has made available on its website an inventory listing data sets under its custody and control. The inventory identifies whether a data set is currently open, in the process of being opened, or exempt from being released as open data due to legal, security, privacy, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons. The agency has also reviewed key data sets published on its website to ensure that open, machine-readable versions are made available. The AGCO has conducted an exercise to prioritize the data sets to be released under Open Data, and will continue to make priority data sets available to the public on its website under an open-by-default approach.

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) was created with the goal of developing standards that would improve accessibility for people with disabilities across the province. The AGCO has developed accessibility standards in the areas of customer service, employment, information and communications, transportation, and the built environment.

The AODA requires all provincial agencies to provide updates to their Accessibility Plan and Policies on an annual basis. The AGCO is committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA. The AGCO has implemented the requirements outlined in the plan and participated in various activities to inform its plan and policies, including the review and update of its practices in the areas of training, information and communication, and employment.

All AGCO employees are trained on the requirements of Ontario’s accessibility laws, including the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR), and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities. This accessibility training has been built in to the employee orientation process to ensure that all new AGCO employees, as well as the Board of Directors and members of the Horse Racing Appeal Panel, have a better understanding of accessibility to perform their duties and provide services to the AGCO’s diverse stakeholders.  

The AGCO maintains a commitment to meeting all requirements under the AODA and the IASR and continues to refine its accessibility plan with a focus on ensuring its policies and practices remain accessible and meet the needs of all stakeholders, including persons with disabilities.