In the face of change, it is those who tackle challenges with great optimism that are able to produce even greater successes.

Another wonderful year has come and gone in my tenure as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO). For the agency, it has been another exciting period of growth and development and of responding and adapting to change. As always, the AGCO has exceeded its expectations and proven itself to be the world-class regulator it is known to be. It is a visionary, strong, innovative and resilient agency that I am very proud and honoured to lead.

Over the past two decades, the AGCO’s creative and effective response to the drivers of change and the shifting needs of its stakeholders has allowed it to pursue an aggressive, progressive and forward-looking agenda. In the face of constant change, the agency has repeatedly risen to any challenges thrown its way. Ongoing operations were maintained while new initiatives were embarked upon. The success of the transformative changes was assessed and tweaks to agency policies and programs and/or day-to-day operations were made as necessary. The health of internal relations (with staff/OPSEU and the Board) and of external ones (with government, industry and the public) were always nurtured, and are strong and positive as a result.

This fiscal year, the terms of two Board members, Linda Nagel and Jane Holmes, expired (in December 2018 and January 2019, respectively). Both Linda and Jane were extremely talented, diligent and responsive Board members. Their strong contributions to the Board’s work will be missed and they are wished the very best in their future endeavours.

In turn, the Board saw two new Board members enter its ranks: Dave Forestell and Philip Leong (also in December 2018 and January 2019, respectively). Both Dave and Philip possess extensive and skilled backgrounds and have quickly become highly engaged and involved Board members. They are welcomed as they assume the important responsibilities of an AGCO Board member.

I cannot close without thanking everyone at the AGCO for their continual and invaluable support to me and the Board. As I have written about and said many times before, ultimately, the strength of the AGCO is its people. You are Simply. The. Best!


<Original signed by>

S. Grace Kerr