Monthly Retail Reporting


Cannabis retail store operators must ensure that they properly track and report the required inventory and sales data. They are required to submit monthly retail reporting in an Integrated Cannabis Retail Report for each authorized store that was active in the most recently completed month before 11:59 PM on the 5th of the next month. This reporting must be done through the iAGCO online portal using the appropriate account associated with each licence that was active at any point in the reporting period.

The Integrated Cannabis Retail Report combines different regulatory reports, which are contained in separate tabs (sub-report tabs), into one monthly retail report to be submitted. Each of the following sub-report tabs fulfills different regulatory requirements and is required by the AGCO to support regulatory compliance assurance:

  1. Federal
  2. Monthly Sales
  3. Inventory Adjustments
  4. Destructions
  5. Inter-Store Transfer—Incoming
  6. Inter-Store Transfer—Outgoing

This report has additional tabs added, such as "Landing Page", "Retailer Overview", and "Discrepancy Details", to help operators assess and review their data before submission to the AGCO.

The latest Integrated Cannabis Retail Report template can be downloaded here:
Integrated Cannabis Retail Report (MS Excel file)

General Reporting Guidelines and Specifications

All licensees must comply with the following guidelines and specifications when completing and submitting an Integrated Cannabis Retail Report:

  • The most current template should be used when submitting a report (it is always available in the link above).
  • Do not modify column headings/descriptions in any tab (i.e., do not modify the language used in the report, add columns or merge cells).
  • Do not remove or add rows to any tabs of the report.
  • Only provide information as per requirements of the report. Do not provide additional information that is not required.
  • When entering data, special characters should not be used in value-related columns (only decimal points are acceptable), but not in unit-related columns.
  • Report all dollar amounts in Canadian dollars ($CA).
  • If the question to be answered has a drop-down menu beside it, use the drop-down option to select an answer instead of typing it in (clicking in the cell causes a little arrow button to appear on the right-hand side of the cell to select an answer from proposed options). The cells where you see “Select YYYY/MM” and “Select Yes/No” are these types of responses.
  • The template contains conditional formatting. If a cell has information that does not meet requirements, it will be highlighted in red. Red cells indicate areas that require attention, or that corrections or adjustments need to be made until they are no longer highlighted.

When referencing and tracking their inventory, all licensees must follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Authorized stores must track and report on all relevant transactions for cannabis products that they purchase from the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS).
  • Operators may wish to consider using a point-of-sale (POS) system that integrates or interfaces with an electronic or software-based perpetual inventory system that tracks all products that an authorized store purchases, stocks, or sells.
  • Licensed retail operators will receive the OCS Product Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for every product they purchase from the OCS as part of a frequently updated product catalogue.
  • Authorized stores should use the OCS Product SKU as the key reference within their POS and inventory tracking system. The Product Barcode/Universal Product Code (UPC) should be used as a secondary identifier.
  • Only cannabis products need to be reported. All cannabis accessories should be excluded (typically, these are the OCS Product SKUs that begin with a “2”).
  • Authorized stores are only required to report and submit information for cannabis products that it has had in its inventory within the given reporting period. It is not required to report on all cannabis products that it has ever purchased over the history of its operations, across every reporting period.

When calculating values submitted in the Report, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Licensees shall report SKU(s) in the same quantity and measurement of each(es) in which they were purchased. An each is a term used to describe the base unit of a product. No pack SKUs will be used for these measurements. For example, if a product is purchased by a retailer as a case that holds 12 units, that case would have a total of 12 eaches. When reporting to the AGCO every period, authorized stores must record and submit their inventory figures in accordance with the total number of eaches having a specific SKU. Quantities (in eaches) must be entered into the Units columns of the individual report tabs of the Integrated Cannabis Retail Report.
  • If an authorized store does not have a figure to input into the report, they should input a value of zero (0) into the cell. For example, a cannabis retail store did not have any consumer product returns in a specific reporting period. In this instance there is no value to report, so the value in the “Returns from Customers - Units” column should be zero (0).

Ensure the name of the file follows the format “CRSA#_CAN_MMYY” (e.g., “CRSA1234567_CAN_0121”), as provided on the “Landing Page” of the report, where:

  • CRSA#: Cannabis Retail Store Authorization Number.
  • MM: Month (in number format).
  • YY: Year (last 2 digits of the year).

Timeliness Requirements

Licensed cannabis retail stores must submit their completed monthly retail reports in an Integrated Cannabis Retail Report through their iAGCO account before 11:59 PM on the 5th day of every calendar month. All data contained in the Report must span from 12:01 AM on the first day of the reporting period (calendar month) to 11:59 PM on the last day of the reporting period.

Licensed retail operators must ensure that their licensed cannabis retail store(s) submit a report once their authorization(s) has been issued regardless of their status (e.g., suspended or revoked).