Ontario Cannabis Data Reporting Requirements: Point-of-Sale Data Reporting Platform Rollout


The AGCO and the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) have launched a streamlined approach to cannabis reporting that will reduce regulatory burden by simplifying cannabis reporting requirements and improve its accuracy.

A new Point-of-Sale (POS) Data Reporting Platform is being rolled out with POS providers and selected retailers associated with them.

POS Data Reporting Platform

The new POS Data Reporting Platform will automatically extract, standardize, and automate your monthly reports directly from the data that you already house in your in-store POS system. The platform will eliminate the need for your monthly preparation and submission of reports and will improve the accuracy of the data submitted to better fulfil your provincial and federally mandated regulatory reporting requirements.

The new POS Data Reporting Platform will change how you submit your monthly reports.

Your POS system will submit applicable data to the POS Data Reporting Platform. The data will be automatically collected via an Application Programming Interface (API) connection between your POS system and the POS Data Reporting Platform.

For more information on how it works, see the Ontario Cannabis Data Reporting Requirements: New Point-of-Sale Data Reporting Platform web page.

POS Data Reporting Platform Rollout

A field test has been conducted with a small group of retailers and their POS provider, to test the POS Data Reporting Platform in a live retail store setting.

The POS Data Reporting Platform is now being rolled out with POS providers and their retailers. Your POS provider will provide you with details.

To support retailers who may need to onboard with an integrated POS Provider, here is a list of POS Providers who are ready to onboard retailers.

As you onboard to the POS Data Reporting Platform, you will continue to do some activities you have always done and start doing some new things:

You will continue to:
(NEW) You will start to:

Complete the Integrated Cannabis Retail Report & submit them to AGCO for at least two full reporting cycles (two calendar months) until directed to stop


Conduct incident-related notification reporting


Meet reporting requirements in Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores


Automatically use the new automated POS Data Reporting Platform


Receive email notifications on data reconciliation errors & will be expected to resolve them in your POS system and in your submitted reports in a timely manner


Follow some revised and new standards which apply to retail stores of licensed operators who use a POS provider that has transitioned to the new POS Data Reporting Platform.

A quality assurance validation process will be conducted with POS providers to ensure that the POS Data Reporting Platform is properly receiving data and the API connection is working correctly. 

Once your onboarding is complete and your POS system has been successfully integrated, you will fully transition over to the POS Data Reporting Platform. Then, you will no longer need to submit Excel-based Monthly Integrated Retail Reports to the AGCO. Your data will automatically be submitted via your POS system. 


  • Contact your POS provider to confirm they will be working with OCS to implement the POS Data Reporting Platform, which will affect all retailers.
  • Your transition to the new data platform will require you to resolve any outstanding data issues you may have related to your past, manually-submitted Excel reports. We therefore encourage you to resolve any such issues as soon as possible.  

Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores 

There will be changes to the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores. You will follow some revised and new standards once you have completed your onboarding & have fully transitioned over to the new POS Data Reporting Platform.

For More Information

The AGCO and OCS are here to answer any questions you may have and to help you through the transition.

For more information about the POS Data Reporting Platform rollout, email OntarioCannabisDataReporting@ocs.ca

For more information about your Ontario Cannabis Data Reporting requirements during the POS Data Reporting Platform rollout, email cannabisreporting@agco.ca  

Helpful Resources

The AGCO and OCS are committed to ensuring the safe, responsible sale of cannabis in Ontario and will continue to adjust processes to reflect sustainable, scalable solutions.