Section 7: Submitting an SOP Application

Applicant Information

An applicant must be 19 years of age or older to obtain an SOP. If the applicant is an organization, association or company, the application must be completed by a member or representative who will be at least 19 years of age on the day of the event, who has signing authority for the organization, association or company. Applicants must provide all information, materials, documentation or approvals as may be requested.

Responsible Person(s)

The permit holder/responsible person must be present throughout the SOP event and is responsible for the safety of people attending the event. They must ensure the event is run in compliance with the Liquor Licence and Control Act, its regulations, and the standards and requirements established by the Registrar.

The permit holder/responsible person indicated on the application will be noted on the permit. If there is more than one responsible person, all must be named and at least one of the persons named must be at the event at all times. The permit holder or, if applicable, designate shall make the permit readily available for inspection upon request.

NOTE: If the permit holder/responsible person is unable to attend, it is the responsibility of the permit holder to designate in writing someone to attend the permit event on their behalf. The designated person is responsible for ensuring that all legal requirements for the permit event are met. The designated person must not be someone who has previously been refused a permit by the AGCO.

Event Name and Details

In this section, please expand on the details and purpose of the event. If the event has a name (e.g. “Annual Rib-Fest” or “Anderson Family Wedding”), please provide that information in this section.

Dates and Times of Event

Sale, service and consumption of liquor may only take place during the hours specified on the permit.

Hours must be between 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on any day except New Year’s Eve (December 31) where hours may be between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. the following day.

Date(s): Indicate the date on which the event will take place. If the event runs into the following day (e.g. until 2:00 a.m.), indicate the first day (e.g. if the event begins April 9th at 7:00 p.m. and ends April 10th at 2:00 a.m. it should indicate “April 9”).

Start Time: Indicate the time at which the sale, service and consumption of liquor will begin.

End Time: Indicate the time at which the sale, service and consumption of liquor will end. Please note that the signs of liquor must be cleared no later than 45 minutes after the end of the serving period (e.g. if serving period ends at 1:00 a.m., all signs of liquor must be cleared by 1:45 a.m.).

Multiple day events

A single permit may be issued for multiple day events if the nature, purpose, location and target audience of the event or activity are the same for each day (e.g. monthly social club gatherings, book club meetings, etc.); and as a result of doing so, the permit holder is not operating an ongoing business, or does not appear to be doing so.

Location Requirements & Application Information


The location/area where the event is to take place must meet the requirements below. This information can be obtained from the premises owner or manager and should confirm that the building has been inspected by the proper authorities. The following guidelines must be met:

  • The permit location/area where liquor will be sold/served/consumed must be readily distinguishable from areas where the permit does not apply. This means that all areas covered under the permit must be clearly defined and visibly separated from areas not under the permit. Examples of partitions that could be used to make the permit area readily distinguishable may include, but are not limited to, fences, planters, or ropes.

  • A premise used as a dwelling, not including the common areas of a multiple unit residential building, cannot not be used for the sale, service or consumption of liquor under a permit.

  • The location may not be in a dry area if liquor is to be sold at the event. A dry area is an area/municipality where liquor is not sold.

  • The location cannot be disqualified as set out in the LLCA.

Note: If the event is being held at different locations (whether it’s on the same day or over the course of several days), a separate permit is required for each location/address.

Application Information

If the room or location is within a large complex, specify the room name or use the exact location (e.g. Main Hall B, or 2nd floor, North West section). Do not use the name of the building or complex to describe the room or location (e.g. the North Tower).

For outdoor areas, use specific descriptions (e.g. pavilion, outdoor fenced area, main banquet room & fenced area/patio, etc.). Do not use “grounds”, “outside” or name of the park.

Estimated Attendance

Indicate how many people are expected to attend the event per day.


The maximum capacity of many indoor premises is predetermined by either the Building or Fire Department.

Maximum capacities for all outdoor areas (and indoor areas without a designated Building or Fire Department capacity) is determined by dividing the actual size of the permit area (as determined in square metres or square feet) by 1.11 square metres or 12 square feet per person.

For example:

  • 30 m x 60 m = 1,800 square metres ÷ 1.11 = 1,621 persons; or

  • 100 ft x 200 ft = 20,000 sq.ft. ÷ 12 = 1,666 persons.

The capacity for any location/room/area is the lesser of the occupant load set by Fire and/or Building departments and the estimated capacity as calculated above.

NOTE: It is the permit holder’s responsibility to ensure these capacities are correct and are not exceeded during the permit event.

Outdoor Events

Outdoor events are those which take place outdoors or in a temporary structure, such as a tent, marquee, pavilion or tiered seating (e.g. bleacher seating, stadium-type seating, seating arranged in sloping tiers).

The outdoor area must be clearly defined and separated from areas where the permit does not apply. Please provide a detailed sketch showing the dimensions of the area for which the permit will apply (see example below).

The permit holder must also provide written notice to the clerk of the municipality, police, fire and health departments informing them of the event, and include a sketch identifying the physical boundaries. If a tent, marquee, pavilion or tiered seating is used, the local building department should be notified.

Copies of all letters sent to authorities must be retained, as the permit holder may be required to include them with the application or make them available upon request.


Sale of Liquor

This question must be answered “yes” if money will be collected for liquor either directly, through the sale of liquor or drink tickets at the event (e.g. cash bar, sale of drink tickets), or indirectly through the sale of admission, membership fees or the collection of money for liquor before the event.

Invited Guests 

If the event is not open to the public, and for invited guests only, answer “yes” to this question.

If the event is open to the public and has been or will be advertised, answer “no” to this question.

Required Documentation

If the event includes any of the following, the applicant should retain copies of all letters sent to municipal authorities, as they will be required as part of the application process:

  • Any tiered seating;

  • Outdoor Public Events involving liquor sales licensed establishments (e.g. Outdoor Street Festival);

  • Public Events requiring a municipal resolution or letter from a delegated municipal official designating the event as “municipally significant” – see Section 6.

The following documents may be required for the application:

  • Notification Letter – For any outdoor event (public, private or industry promotional)

  • Detailed Sketch - For Public, Private or Industry Promotional events if the event is being held outdoors.

  • Letter of Support - For Public, Private or Industry Promotional events if the event is being held by a representative of a foreign government.

  • Municipal Resolution - For Public events of municipal significance, or outdoor Public events that involve liquor licensed establishments.

  • Involvement of liquor licensed establishments - For outdoor Public events involving liquor sales licensed establishments, an agreement between the permit holder and each participating liquor sales licence holder must be submitted to the AGCO at least 30 days prior to the event date.

  • Letter of Authorization - Event organizers conducting. sampling at an Industry Promotional event may be required to produce a letter of authorization from the Manufacturer or AGCO Licensed Representative.

Note: Supplemental documents may be provided to support the review of the application.