Charitable gaming eligibility (CGE) for charitable organizations

Religious and charitable organizations who wish to get a lottery licence need to undergo an eligibility process with the AGCO. If you qualify, your organization will get a CGE.

Overview for new applicants

A charitable organization must have a “charitable gaming ” number (CGE) in order to get a lottery licence. You need a lottery licence to conduct a charitable lottery event. The application for a CGE decides whether you can get a lottery licence. If your organization qualifies, you’ll get a CGE number.  

You can apply for a CGE and a lottery licence at the same time. To learn more about submitting your CGE application, read the “Submitting your charitable gaming eligibility (CGE) application in iAGCO” page and watch this tutorial .  

If you’re a new applicant, you need to submit your application at least 45 days before your event.

Once the CGE status is approved, charitable gaming lottery licence applications may be submitted using a CGE number without needing to resubmit eligibility documents. Eligibility may be reviewed again if there has been a significant change to the organization, such as a change of directors or officers, or there is another reason to review the eligibility of the organization. With a CGE, you can submit your lottery licence application at least 30 days before your event.  

Not all charitable gaming licensing applicants will require a CGE number. Exemptions include Bingo Hall Charity Associations, Fairs and Exhibitions and organizations fundraising on behalf of Federated Health and The United Way.     

Determine the right licensing authority

Find out whether you need to apply with the AGCO or your municipality to get the lottery licence you’re looking for. The licensing authority depends on where you are located, the expected prize amount, and the type of lottery. If your lottery licence can be issued through your municipality, the municipality will also conduct your charitable gaming eligibility.  

The CGE process is used by the AGCO only.  Municipalities and First Nations conduct their own eligibility assessments for licences they issue.  


When you apply to the AGCO for a CGE, we will review all relevant documentation to determine eligibility for lottery licences. These decisions are based on what is considered charitable in law, including the Criminal Code of Canada, previous court decisions, Order in Council 208/2024 as amended, and the policies issued by the Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing.

  • The courts have determined that the term “charitable” refers to organizations which provide programs for:
  • the relief of poverty;
  • the advancement of education;
  • the advancement of religion;
  • other charitable purposes beneficial to the community.

Each application is unique. Determinations of eligibility will depend on the specific organization and its proposed use of proceeds.

The following pre-requisites are mandatory to be considered eligible for a lottery licence:

  • Organizations must have been in existence for at least one (1) year before being considered eligible for lottery licences.
  • The organization must have a place of business in Ontario, demonstrate that it is established to provide charitable services in Ontario and use proceeds for objects or purposes which benefit Ontario residents. 

Prepare your application

When you apply for a lottery licence, you’ll need to submit the following so that eligibility can be reviewed:

  • incorporation papers (Letters Patent)
  • constitution and by-laws
  • notification of Charitable Registration (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency) if applicable
  • the most recent Registered Charity Information Return & Public Information Return, as submitted to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (if applicable)
  • financial statement for previous fiscal year (audited, where applicable)
  • detailed outline of all programs/services provided in the previous year and specific costs incurred in delivery
  • detailed outline of all programs/service currently provided and specific costs incurred in delivery
  • the current operating budget
  • current listing of the Board of Directors
  • any other information that will assist in determining the charitable nature of the objects and purposes. This could include an annual report, correspondence relating to its charitable number for income-tax purposes, and confirmation that it meets the reporting requirements of the Charities Accounting Act
  • the proposed use of proceeds, which must be consistent with the primary objects and purposes of the organization and of a charitable nature consistent with at least one of the four classifications of charitable purposes.


Other information

Here’s a list of things you might want to read.