Chapter 20: Judges’ and Veterinarians’ Lists

20.01  A horse may be placed on the Judges’ List for the following reasons:

  1. The horse has been declared unfit to race by the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian because it is sick, lame or otherwise physically unfit to race. This will be known as the Short Term Veterinarians’ List;
  2. The horse has been declared dangerous or unmanageable by the Judges shall be placed on the Judges list for performance.
    1. A horse placed on the long term Veterinarians’ List due to chronic physical or health problems by the Commission Veterinarian shall remain on the Veterinarians’ List for a minimum of 14 days.
  3. Proof of a negative Coggins’ Test required in accordance with Rule 22.34 is not presented;
  4. Deleted.
  5. the horse is required to school for the starter in accordance with Rule 30.03;
  6. the Judges have determined that the horse must qualify on two consecutive occasions before being eligible to race;
  7. the horse was scratched due to a transportation problem; or
  8. Deleted.
  9. Deleted.
  10. Any reason the Judges or Administration deem to be proper.

20.01.02  No horse that is on the Judges’ List either by virtue of the operation of this chapter, or any other rule, shall be eligible to compete in any added money or overnight event until it has been removed from the Judges’ List. Notwithstanding the provisions of this rule, any horse to which Rules 20.01 (a), and (g), and/or 20.04.02 apply, shall be eligible to compete in added money events.

20.02  A horse that has been placed on the Judges’ List in accordance with the rules will be ineligible to race until removed therefrom, as follows:

  1. Only the Judges at an extended meeting shall have the authority to remove a horse that is on the Judges’ List in accordance with Rules 5.17, 20.01 (b), (e) or (f);
  2. Horses on the List in accordance with Rule 20.01 (a), and (g) shall come off the List after eight (8) days. Horses on the List in accordance with Rule 20.01 (g) may also be removed when documentation has been presented to the satisfaction of the Judges;
  3. Horses on the Judges’ List for 20.01 (c) shall be removed from the List when the documentation has been presented to the Standardbred Canada field representative;
  4. Deleted.
  5. In all other cases, at the discretion of the Judges or Administration.

20.03  At a meeting where a veterinarian is not available, the Judges may order withdrawn from a race a horse that is in their opinion sick, lame or otherwise physically unfit to race.

20.03.01  Where a horse, entered to race, is scratched by the Judges, as a result of the horse having received any:

  1. Medication,
  2. Medical treatment, or
  3. Medical procedure,

the Judges may impose a monetary penalty upon the trainer of the horse unless the trainer satisfies the judges that the medication, medical procedure or treatment was in the best interests of the health of the horse.

20.04.01  When a horse has been placed on the Judges’ List, it shall be recorded in the official performance records by an authorized person. The owner or trainer shall be notified of the reason for such action being taken and it shall be their responsibility to scratch the horse from any races for which the horse may have been declared in to start.

20.04.02  A horse which has been scratched sick as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian shall not be permitted to race, other than to added money events or qualifiers for eight (8) days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.

  1. A horse which has been scratched lame as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian shall not be permitted to race or qualify other than in added money events for eight (8) days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.

20.04.03  A horse which has been scratched twice consecutively as a result of a veterinarian’s slip or by order of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian must qualify to race. Such qualifying race must be more than eight (8) days from the date of the second race from which it was scratched.

20.04.04  A horse scratched in accordance with 20.01(g) shall not be permitted to race other than to added money events for eight (8) days from the date of the race from which it was scratched.

20.05  Deleted.
(Note: replaced by new SB 35.11.00-35.11.02)