1.01  The following rules have been enacted and declared to be the official rules of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) and these rules shall apply to all Standardbred raceways and participants under the Commission jurisdiction.

1.02  Standardbred racing shall be conducted in accordance with the rules, Registrar’s directives, conditions of licences granted by the Registrar, track rules approved by the Registrar, any other applicable laws and regulations. In case of conflict the Rules of Standardbred Racing shall supersede the conditions of a horse race and the regulations of the Association.

1.03  Should any provision of these rules or any Registrar’s directive conflict with any track rule, the appropriate Commission rule or Registrar’s directive shall govern.

1.04  Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for their violation.

1.05  Directives of the Registrar shall have all the force and effect of the rules. The Registrar adopts all Directives approved by the Ontario Racing Commission prior to April 1, 2016 with necessary modification.

1.06  All definitions of these rules shall apply as well to Registrar’s directives.

1.07  Every person participating in and every patron of a meeting shall abide by these rules and accept the decisions of the Judges, subject to the right of appeal to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (the HRAP).

1.08  An agricultural fair, incorporated company or person shall not conduct a race meeting unless formal approval of the meeting has been sought, and the Registrar has actually approved the meeting.

1.09  If any case occurs which is not or which is alleged not to be provided for by the rules, it shall be determined by the Judges or the Registrar as the case may be, in such manner as they think is in the best interests of racing.

1.09.01  The Registrar in his or her absolute discretion may waive the breach of any of the rules, which waiver or breach the Registrar does not consider prejudicial to the best interests of racing. The Registrar’s waiver of or refusal to waive a rule is not subject to appeal.

1.10  The past performance statistics, racelines, horse identification, breeding, and horse ownership data, compiled by Standardbred Canada, shall be deemed to be the official records for the Standardbred industry in Ontario, and for the purpose of producing race programs, as required by Rule 7.04, for the use of the Standardbred industry and the general public.

1.11  The records of drivers’ statistics, race results, purse winnings for horses and participants, and past performance and other statistics compiled by Standardbred Canada shall be deemed to be the official records and statistics for use by the Standardbred breeding and racing industry for the support of Standardbred racing and breeding.

1.12  Notwithstanding Rule 3.02, Standardbred Canada shall license and accredit trainers, drivers and other officials and participants as designated by the Registrar and further, the Registrar will recognize such licences of the United States Trotting Association.

1.13 Deleted.

1.14  The Registrar has power, as he or she may deem proper, to make and, if necessary, to vary all arrangements for the conduct of a meeting.

1.15  Any ruling of the Registrar, the Judges or other Racing Officials may be published as soon as the person or persons affected by such ruling have been notified either directly or by mail.