Executive Compensation Framework

The AGCO's is required to develop an executive compensation framework and make it public. You can find a link to the latest version of the framework on this page.

The AGCO is committed to being open and transparent in its operations, accountable to the citizens of Ontario and compliant with all applicable directives of the Government of Ontario.

The AGCO’s governing legislation, the Alcohol, Cannabis and Gaming Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996 provides that the AGCO Board of Directors must, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council (LGIC), establish job categories and salary ranges.    

The Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2014 and O. Reg. 406/18 established under the Act require that government agencies such as the AGCO develop an executive compensation framework and post that framework on their public facing website for public consultation.  The framework must include the job categories and salary ranges established by the AGCO Board of Directors.

On January 4, 2018 the AGCO’s executive compensation framework was posted for public consultation.  Upon completion of the public consultation, the framework was approved by the Attorney General. In March of 2018 the job categories and salary ranges established by the AGCO Board and approved by the Attorney General received LGIC approval.

The most recent version of the framework is posted here: AGCO Executive Compensation Framework .