- Login to iAGCO . Click Start a New Application under New Applications.
- Select Charitable Gaming Lottery Licences in the next window and click Next.
- You can apply for charitable and social gaming-related licences online.
- Certain charitable gaming licences are issued by municipal and First Nations licensing authorities while others are issued by the AGCO.
- The AGCO is responsible for regulating and overseeing licensed lottery events (such as bingo, raffles and the sale of break open tickets) conducted by eligible charitable and religious organizations to raise funds to support charitable purposes.
- This responsibility is shared with municipalities and First Nations with an Order-In-Council.
- iAGCO will be used for event types which the AGCO is the licensing authority for including:
- Lottery events with high prize values
- Lottery events that are held in conjunction with other licenced lottery events
- Electronic versions of lottery events (i.e. electronic raffles)
- Lottery events with a province-wide footprint (i.e. provincial break open tickets)
- Lottery events to be held in unorganized territories or federal lands for which there is no municipal government
- First Nations that do not have an Order-in-Council
- Organizations fundraising for United Way or Federated Health
- The AGCO has issued a Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM) which is used to determine eligibility for a lottery licence and for the use of proceeds. View the LLPM for more information on the types of lottery schemes for which a licence may be issued.
Tip: Use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each page to easily move through and save your application. Most pages include three navigation buttons: Back, Save Draft, and Next.
- Back — Navigate back to the previous page of the application.
- Save Draft — Select this button to save the information entered up to and including that page. Note that information may be lost if you leave your application open without saving for an extended period of time.
- Next — Proceed to the next page of the application.
- Choose Break Open Ticket Licence (Provincial or BOT+) as the type of application. Have the following items ready to submit your application:
- Your organization’s Charitable Gaming Eligibility number, or
- The file number of your organization’s Charitable Gaming Eligibility application (if it’s in process)
- Private and Public sector places of employment applying to conduct and manage lottery events on behalf of the United Way and Federated Health do not require a Charitable Gaming Eligibility number. A letter of agreement with the United Way or Federated Health is required.
- List of break open ticket sale locations
- Completed and signed Signature of Principals form.
Click Next to proceed.
- The Break Open Ticket Licence (Provincial or BOT+) application permits an organization with a provincial mandate that is eligible for lottery licensing to conduct and manage break open ticket events.
- Only the AGCO may issue a licence to eligible charitable or religious organizations that have a provincial mandate.
- This type of licence authorizes the sale of break open tickets across the province.
- On the New Application – Break Open Ticket Licence (Provincial or BOT+) – Lottery Licence page, ensure your personal contact information is correct and up-to-date. Then select the person or entity applying for this licence, permit, authorization and/or registration.
- Enter your new applicant and contact information details as needed. Ensure to complete all fields marked with a red asterisk. Click Next to proceed.
- Click Save Draft and then select My Profile in the top right corner of your screen if you need to update your contact details.
- On the Charitable Gaming Eligibility page, provide your organization’s Charitable Gaming Eligibility number.
- If you have recently submitted a Charitable Gaming Eligibility application and are awaiting approval, you may provide the File Number of your application.
- In the Designated Members in Charge section, provide the names and contact information for at least two bona fide members of your organization who will be responsible for the conduct of the lottery event.
In the Lottery Details section, provide the start and end dates during which your lottery event(s) will be conducted.
In the Break Open Tickets section, select the break open ticket types you intend to sell.
- Bingo event ticket games may only be played in conjunction with licensed bingo events.
- Seal card games may only be played in premises where a licensed bingo event is being held or in a service club.
- Answer Yes or No to the questions on the following screen. Also provide additional details in text boxes, as required. Click Next.
- On the Documents to Attach page, upload Required Documents as instructed. Click Upload File to attach files. Click Next to proceed.
- Other documents may be provided at any time during the application process. Documents may be submitted in image formats.
- Ensure to select the Document Type for each file once uploaded and attached to your application. A green check mark box will appear beside each document type once selected.
- If there are any errors or missing information, you will be instructed to fix each one on the Errors on Application page. Click Fix next to each error to correct or provide the required information.
If there are no remaining errors, you will see a Declaration. Carefully review the declaration and check the box to declare that all information provided in the application is true and correct. Click Submit Application.
- Congratulations! You’ve submitted your Break Open Ticket Licence (Provincial or BOT+) application! You will receive a confirmation email shortly with an attachment containing the information you entered in your application. An Application Summary will also be available for download within 15 minutes on the Main Menu under My Applications Under Review.
You can also provide the AGCO with additional information and documentation if needed or withdraw your application under the My Applications Under Review section of your iAGCO account home page.
We hope this guide helped you prepare for and complete your Break Open Ticket Licence (Provincial or BOT+)application in iAGCO.
If you have any questions or would like to provide comments or feedback on the application process, please contact AGCO Customer Service. Email customer.service@agco.ca or call 416-326-8700 or 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.