Section 4: Modifications to Existing Licences

Change a Race Date or Post Time
Race dates are approved with your licence application. Applicants who wish to make a mid-year amendment, variance or replacement to a race date must submit their mid-year calendar change request and business rationale to the OLG and Ontario Racing (OR), copying the AGCO Director of Racing. The OLG and OR will work with a Racetrack Operator until the proposed change and rationale is acceptable for approval. Approved calendar changes will be issued with the Racetrack Operator with the revised calendar and Notice of Decision.

Racetrack Operators who wish to cancel a race date (most commonly due to extreme weather) must notify AGCO Race Officials of the cancellation.

Post-Time Changes
Less than 30 minutes
Racetrack Operators who wish to make a post-time change less than 30 minutes before post time must notify AGCO Race Officials of these changes in advance.

More than 30 minutes
Racetrack Operators who wish to make a post-time change more than 30 minutes (or less than 30 minutes, but for more than a single race date) must submit (1) their request for post-time changes and business rationale to the OLG and OR, copying the Director of Racing and (2) an online Amendment “Modify Race Dates” in iAGCO.

Ownership Transfer - Teletheatre
Teletheatre Location Registration applicants must notify the AGCO of a full transfer of ownership for an existing Teletheatre Location Registration.

Relocation Teletheatre
Teletheatre Location Registration applicants wishing to relocate an existing teletheatre site to a new location (provided there is no change to the existing registrant), must notify the AGCO.