Reminder to Manufacturers on Recent Changes and Permissible Activities


In light of recent regulatory changes, and to clarify certain rules around the sale and service of liquor, the AGCO would like to provide the following reminders to licensed manufacturers:

  1. Caterer’s Endorsement to a Manufacturer’s Licence
  2. Update to Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor: Caterer’s Endorsement to a Liquor Sales Licence
  3. Registrar’s 2021-22 Policy for Temporary Patio Approvals

1. Caterer’s Endorsement to a Manufacturer’s Licence

The AGCO would like to remind licensed manufacturers that effective May 2, 2022, a new caterer’s endorsement became available to manufacturers with a by-the-glass endorsement.

Licensed manufacturers with a by-the-glass endorsement may apply to the AGCO through the iAGCO online portal for a caterer’s endorsement.

The new caterer’s endorsement allows for the sale of liquor for consumption and service of liquor at catered events at premises other than the manufacturer’s licensed premises. The sale and service of liquor under a Caterer’s Endorsement must be primarily aimed at promoting the licensee’s product and either providing an enhanced tourist experience or fulfilling an educational purpose. These requirements are found in the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019.

Catering Notification Requirements

The AGCO would also like to remind licensees of the notification requirements for catering events.

Catering notification requirements vary, depending on where the individual event is being held.

Areas under the exclusive control of the licence holder:

Notification of an individual event is not required if the licence holder has provided the AGCO with prior notice (e.g., in the endorsement application) of its intention to cater events in a premises under the licence holder’s exclusive control.

NOTE: An area may be considered to be under the exclusive control of the licence holder if the licence holder owns, rents or leases the area.

Areas not under the exclusive control of the licence holder:

Notification of an individual event is required if the event is being held in an area not under the exclusive control of the licence holder.

At least ten (10) days before a catered event begins, the licence holder with a Caterer’s Endorsement must provide the AGCO (via an iAGCO regulatory submission), and the local police, fire, health and building departments with details on:

  • The nature of the event and the name of the sponsor
  • The address where the event will be held
  • The dates and hours during which the event will be held
  • The estimated attendance for the event
  • The boundaries of the area where liquor will be sold and served, and the location of any tiered seating in the area.

To notify the AGCO of your catering event, you must make a Regulatory Submission on the iAGCO online portal:

  • Select Catering Notification - Licensee with By-the-Glass
  • Follow the steps as instructed
  • You will be required to provide information on the person/entity sponsoring the event.

2. Update to Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor: Caterer’s Endorsement to a Liquor Sales Licence

The Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor have been updated to apply Standard 6.1 (Maximum Capacity) and Standard 6.2 (Premises Readily Distinguishable) to holders of a Caterer’s Endorsement to a Liquor Sales Licence (including tied house).

Note: These are not new requirements for licensees. This change is an administrative update to reflect requirements from the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019.

3. Registrar’s 2021–22 Policy for Temporary Patio Approvals

The Registrar’s 2021-2022 Policy for Temporary Patio Approvals remains in place until January 1, 2023, when the regulatory amendments that establish a new framework for temporary outdoor extensions come into effect.

Under the Registrar’s continued policy, liquor sales licensees (including licensees with a premises that is a boat) and licensed manufacturers with a by-the-glass endorsement may continue to temporarily extend their licensed premises until January 1, 2023 if they meet the following criteria (as applicable):

  1. The physical extension of the premises is adjacent to:
    1. the premises to which the licence to sell liquor applies; or
    2. a dock to which the boat is attached and may include land adjacent to the dock; or
    3. the licensed premises under the by-the-glass endorsement to a Manufacturer’s Licence.
  2. The municipality in which the premises is situated has indicated it does not object to an extension;
  3. The licensee is able to demonstrate sufficient control over the physical extension of the premises; 
  4. There is no condition on the licence or endorsement prohibiting a patio; 
  5. The capacity of any new patio, or extended patio space where the licensee has an existing licensed patio, allows for at least 1.11 square metres per person; and
  6. In the case of a by-the-glass endorsement to a Manufacturer’s Licence, the sale and service of the wine, beer and/or spirits manufactured by the manufacturer within the physical extension of the premises is primarily aimed at promoting the manufacturer’s product and either providing an enhanced tourist experience or fulfilling an educational purpose.

Note: Regulation 746/21 requires licensees with a Licence to Operate a Liquor Consumption Premises that applies to an outdoor premises to not permit noise that arises (directly or indirectly) from entertainment on the premises (or from the sale and service of liquor) to disturb persons who live near the premises. If you have questions on how to comply, reach out to your local AGCO Inspector (formerly known as a Compliance Official). If you are unsure who your Inspector, is or have misplaced their contact information, email with your licensed establishment’s address to get connected. 

Licensees are not required to submit documents to the AGCO to demonstrate compliance with the above criteria, however, they are required to produce such documents should the AGCO request them.

Licensees that do not meet the above criteria are required to follow the usual application process for a temporary extension of premises and apply through the iAGCO online portal.

After January 1, 2023, municipalities and First Nation band councils will have the ability to approve temporary outdoor extensions of licensed premises (such as patios) under the new framework and the AGCO will no longer be accepting applications or otherwise approving temporary outdoor extensions for licensees located in municipalities.

For more information, see:

Note: The AGCO will provide licensees, municipalities and First Nations with information closer to the January 1, 2023 implementation date.

Helpful Resources

Liquor licensees should familiarize themselves with applicable sections of the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019Regulation 746/21 (Licensing), Regulation 747/21 (Permits) and the Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor to ensure they are in compliance.

For More Information

If you have questions, your local AGCO Inspectors are here to help and support you with additional information and education. If you are unsure who your Inspector is, or have misplaced their contact information, please email with your licensed establishment address to get connected.

AGCO Customer Service Representatives are also available anytime via the iAGCO online portal or Monday to Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm at 416-326-8700 or (toll free) 1-800-522-2876.