Reminder: New Caterer’s Endorsement now available to Licensed Manufacturers


Effective today, licensed manufacturers may apply online to the AGCO through the iAGCO portal for the new caterer’s endorsement.

The new endorsement will allow manufacturers with a by-the-glass endorsement to sell and serve liquor at catered events at locations away from the manufacturer’s licensed premises.

The new caterer’s endorsement will serve as an endorsement to a Winery, Brewery or Distillery licence.

How to Apply for the New Caterer’s Endorsement

Note: Manufacturers who intend to apply for a caterer’s endorsement should familiarize themselves with applicable sections of the LLCARegulation 746/21 (for source law, see e-laws) and the Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor to ensure they are in compliance.

The Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor have been updated. The following Standards are applicable to this new endorsement:

  • Standard 2.1: Compliance with Advertising Guidelines
  • Standard 2.3: No Promotion of Catered Events by the Licensee
  • Standard 4.1: Completion of Training
  • Standard 6.1 Maximum Capacity
  • Standard 6.2 Premises Readily Distinguishable
  • Standard 7.1: Records of Purchase and Sale
  • Standard 7.14: Notification for Catered Events

Helpful Resources

Information Bulletin: New Caterer’s Endorsement will be available to Licensed Manufacturers starting May 2, 2022

Note: This Information Bulletin did not include Standards 6.1 and 6.2 as applicable Standards for this new endorsement. For clarity, Standards 6.1 and 6.2 are applicable.