Notice to Cannabis Retail Store Owners/Operators on Cannabis Packaging Recycling


To assist cannabis retail store owners/operators in the safe, responsible recycling of cannabis packaging, the AGCO would like to make you aware of optional recycling programs available to you.

There are federal packaging and labelling requirements set out in the Cannabis Act to ensure the safety of all Ontarians. Although this may result in materials that cannot be accepted by local municipal recycling programs, there are ways you can safely and responsibly recycle cannabis packaging.

There are free, optional programs that specialize in hard-to-recycle waste (such as Terracycle) that accept cannabis packing.

Note: Not all recycling programs have a recycling option for vapour products.

Helpful Resources

For more information on recycling programs, contact your AGCO Compliance Official or call AGCO Customer Service Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at 416-326-8700 or toll free 1-800-522-2876.

For information on the safe destruction of vapour products, see the AGCO’s June 2, 2020 Notice to Cannabis Retail Store Owners/Operators on the Safe Destruction of Vapour Products.

Visit the AGCO website to see our Cannabis Retail Regulation Guide and AGCO Cannabis Blog.