Notice to Cannabis Retail Store Owners/Operators on the Safe Destruction of Vapour Products


To assist cannabis retail store owners/operators in the safe, responsible disposal, destruction and recycling of cannabis contained within certain types of vapour products, the AGCO has amended the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores.

The AGCO recognizes that, with the introduction of vapour products such as disposable vapourizers, the ability of cannabis retailers to comply with the AGCO’s Standard, which mandates the destruction of cannabis that is ineligible for sale on a monthly basis, may be difficult.

As a result, the AGCO has temporarily removed the monthly timeline for the destruction of ineligible cannabis contained within vapour products.

The amendments to the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores are highlighted below and take effect immediately.

Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores – Amendments

The AGCO has amended Standard 3.3 and has created a new Standard 3.5 to adjust timelines for vape products.

3.3 Destruction of cannabis that is ineligible for sale, except cannabis that is contained within a vapour product, must be performed on a monthly basis, at a minimum.

3.5 Destruction of cannabis that is ineligible for sale and is contained within a vapour product must be performed as soon as it is practicable to do so.


Retailers will still be required to track and account for the eventual destruction of all cannabis that is ineligible for sale, including cannabis contained within vapour products.

The Ontario Cannabis Store has updated its policies to no longer require proof of destruction of vapour products in order to obtain credit for products that are eligible for return.

Helpful Resources

Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores

Cannabis Retail Regulation Guide