Changes to minimum price for spirits ordered with food for takeout and delivery


As part of the Government of Ontario’s continued efforts to support businesses significantly impacted by the outbreak of COVID-19, the government has approved a change affecting liquor sales licensees that comes into effect today.

Regulation 719 under the Liquor Licence Act (LLA) has been amended to reduce the minimum price of spirits sold by licensed establishments with food takeout and delivery orders by 33 percent. This pricing change applies specifically to spirits with an alcohol content greater than 14.8 percent.

The reduction in minimum pricing will be revoked on January 1, 2021, matching the duration of the temporary ability for bars and restaurants to sell alcohol with food for takeout and delivery which is in place until December 31, 2020.

The reduced minimum pricing structure for spirits is only applicable to takeout and delivery orders. If the declared state of emergency ends prior to January 1, 2021 and customers could be served in-house, the existing minimum price per serving for spirits would continue to apply to in-house service.

The minimum price has been reduced from $2.00 per 29 mL serving to $1.34 per 29 mL serving. The following chart provides examples of the existing and new minimum prices for common sizes of sealed, unopened bottles of spirits:

CategorySizeMinimum Price at a Liquor Licensed Establishment for in-house serviceMinimum Price at a Liquor Licensed Establishment for takeout and delivery – until December 31, 2020

The AGCO remains committed to protecting public safety and ensuring that alcohol is sold, served and consumed in a responsible manner. Licensees must continue to meet all other existing requirements in the LLA and regulations.

Licence holders should review the amendments to ensure that they are in compliance with all legislative and regulatory requirements. Links to electronic versions of the LLA and its regulations are available on our Acts and Regulations page.

For more information contact:

AGCO Customer Service
Telephone: 416-326-8700
Toll free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876
Or via the iAGCO online portal