AGCO Board Approves Additional Cannabis Retail Employee Training Program


Following a successful open call for additional cannabis retail training programs, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Board of Directors has approved a second cannabis retail training program named CTC 1: Retail Certification Program .

The CTC 1: Retail Certification Program, developed by Cannabis Training Canada, will provide cannabis retail employees with the knowledge needed to sell cannabis safely, responsibly, and in compliance with Ontario law and the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores. This program also provides foundational knowledge about cannabis, to ensure those who are selling it understand its various forms and effects of use.

In Ontario, anyone who works in a cannabis retail store is legally required to successfully complete an AGCO Board-approved cannabis retail employee training program before their first day of work. Cannabis retail workers may choose to complete the CTC 1: Retail Certification Program or CannSell to meet this training requirement.

More information about Board-approved cannabis retail training programs can be found here.