When is registration as a Supplier required?

A registration as a Supplier is required in the following circumstances:

  1. Gaming-Related Supplier – Lottery
    A person that manufactures, provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site, related exclusively to the Lottery Sector in Ontario.

    Approval of this Registration allows you to also work in the capacity of a Non-Gaming-Related Supplier without having to apply for that Registration.

    Note: If you intend to carry out activities other than what you indicated on your application, you must notify the Registrar and be approved.
  2. Gaming-Related Supplier – Manufactures
    A person that manufactures, provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.

    Approval of this Registration allows you to also work in the capacity of a Non-Gaming-Related Supplier without having to apply for that Registration.

    Note: If you intend to carry out activities other than what you indicated on your application, you must notify the Registrar and be approved.
  3. Gaming-Related Supplier – Other
    A person that provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.

    Approval of this Registration allows you to also work in the capacity of a Non-Gaming-Related Supplier without having to apply for that Registration.

    Note: If you intend to carry out activities other than what you indicated on your application, you must notify the Registrar and be approved.
  4. Non-Gaming-Related Supplier
    A person that provides goods or services that relate to the construction, furnishing, repair, maintenance or business of a gaming site or a related business but that, in the opinion of the Registrar, are not directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.

    Note: A person may be exempt from the requirement to register as a Non-Gaming-Related Supplier.