Lottery Licensing Policy Manual

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This Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM) contains the policies and procedures that municipal and provincial officials must follow to issue and administer charitable gaming licences in Ontario.

These policies reflect the mandate of the AGCO to regulate charitable lotteries to ensure they are conducted with honesty and integrity, and in the public interest.

For the purposes of this manual, “lottery” means a gaming event or scheme that is conducted by a charitable or religious organization or a non-profit group with charitable objects and purposes. The policies apply to raffles, break open ticket sales, charity bingo and one-time special occasion gaming events and bazaars run by these organizations.


The LLPM has been designed to ensure lottery licences are issued and administered on a consistent basis throughout the province.

The AGCO also uses the LLPM to communicate changes in the Registrar’s policies and in the regulatory structures for lottery licensing.


Printed versions of the LLPM should not be considered up to date. Before making any decisions regarding a lottery application or licence, users of this manual should refer to the AGCO website for any amendments to the legislation and any new terms and conditions and information bulletins as well as any recent revisions of the LLPM.

A glossary of lottery licensing terms is provided at the end of this manual.

Municipal and AGCO lottery licensing staff

Lottery licensing staff should read and become familiar with the full manual as well as the various terms and conditions and guidelines, which are all provided on the Charitable Gaming: Municipalities portal on the AGCO web site.

Licensees and applicants

Licensees and applicants are advised to read the first three chapters of the LLPM as well as the chapter related to the lottery type they intend to conduct. They should also read the Lottery Licence Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions for their lottery type and any additional documents that may relate to their lottery type. Get the most recent versions of all these documents from the Charitable Gaming: Charitable and Religious Organizations portal on the AGCO web site.

Note to lottery licence applicants

Raising funds through gaming contains a certain element of risk on the part of the charitable organization– lotteries should be viewed as a supplement or alternative to the organization’s other fundraising ventures: Lottery proceeds may not be the main source of fundraising for a charitable organization.