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Software Random Number Generator

5.1.1 Random numbers must be:

  1. Statistically independent;
  2. All values within the desired range must have an equal chance of being generated;
  3. Able to pass various recognized statistical tests; and
  4. Unpredictable.

5.1.2 The range of random numbers must correspond to the range used in a particular Game including both high and low-end range of sales, as applicable. Specifically, the random numbers must produce statistics that lie within the 99% confidence interval for various Game specific, empirical statistical tests, including but not limited to frequency test, runs test and serial correlation test. The applicable tests are chosen in a way to match the grouping of random numbers to form Game outcomes.

5.1.3 The RNG output must not exhibit detectable patterns or correlation with any previous RNG output.

5.1.4 The RNG, ELS, or both must implement a mechanism to prevent the determination of seeds.

5.1.5 The RNG seed must be reinitialized, if corrupted.

5.1.6 Where the selection process of Game elements is interrupted, the original selection must be preserved until full system recovery.

5.1.7 Where there is a failure of the mechanism used to select Game elements, the ELS’ impacted function that rely upon that mechanism must be made unavailable for Play until the failure has been rectified.

5.1.8 The ELS must use secure communication protocols to protect the RNG and random selection process.

5.1.9 RNG pools of selections must be stored securely.

Physical Random Number Generator

In addition to the requirements 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.8, the following are specific requirements that apply to physical RNGs, which use physical properties of number designators (for example balls, wheels, or dice) to randomly generate Game results.

5.1.10 RNG designators must satisfy the following:

  1. All designators must be of equal size and mass homogeneously distributed to ensure that they are not weighted to a specific outcome;
  2. Game results must be clearly displayed on the designator and be distinguishable from all other results (for example 6 and 9 must be clearly marked);
  3. Designators must contain a method of identifying the set to which each individual designator belongs; and
  4. Designators used must be designed to resist physical degradation. Where the designators have a defined life cycle, they must be replaced within their life cycle.