Control Procedures

Licensees must ensure the following:


  1. Tickets (serialization) must be unique from draw to draw.
  1. There must be no duplicate ticket numbers for all draws under a licence. There must be a documented process in place showing how the licensee will ensure there are no duplicate tickets for all draws.
  2. Tickets are only eligible for the draw for which they are purchased. At the conclusion of the draw, all non-winning tickets must be removed from the container. Non-winning tickets may be destroyed after 30 calendar days.
  3. Winning tickets must be kept in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Raffle Terms and Conditions.
  4. The licensee will keep a record or log for all draws recording the sequence numbers and other characteristics for all tickets in play.

Draw Process:

  1. Immediately prior to the draw, the tickets sales for the draw, the draw prize and the current progressive jackpot amount must be announced.
  2. In the event that the Ace of Spades is not drawn, the licensee will immediately destroy the card selected by the winner of the draw. The licensee must maintain a log to record the destruction of all cards. The log must include the draw date, complete card details and verification by the bona fide member who destroyed the card, and by another bona fide member in charge of the lottery licensee.
  3. All draws will be video recorded by the licensee.
  4. Participants will be advised in the Rules of Play that all raffle draws will be video recorded in order to ensure raffle integrity.
  5. Video recordings must be secured by the licensee and made available to the licensing authority upon request. All video recordings must be maintained for at least 30 calendar days after the draw date, after which they may be deleted or destroyed.
  6. The video recording shall in be high definition (minimum resolution – 720p) in a well-lit environment, have an unobstructed view of all raffle activities and show:
    1. Selection of the winning draw ticket
    2. Selection of the envelope by the bearer of the winning draw ticket
    3. Reveal of playing card within selected envelope
    4. Destruction of the playing card.