AGCO Step 1: Ensure Games and Critical Gaming Systems Are Independent Testing Laboratory (ITL) Certified


Any games and supporting critical gaming systems must be certified by an ITL that is registered with the AGCO before being made available for play in Ontario.

Before Starting this Step

Operators must ensure that their games and supporting critical gaming systems are certified by a registered ITL and ensure your suppliers have done so as well.

Read the Internet Gaming Go-Live Compliance Guide | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (


TBD depending on ITL capacities. There are currently multiple ITLs registered with the AGCO. The time it will take to complete this step is variable dependent on ITL capacity and depth / scope of certification required.

Support with this Step

You will be working with suppliers and AGCO-registered ITLs to complete this step. If you have questions, you can e-mail AGCO’s Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch at: