(3) Conduct of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event

3.1 The licensee must ensure that no person directly involved in or responsible for the conduct and management of the Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event shall participate as a player in any game of chance during that event.

3.2 The licensee must not permit any person who appears intoxicated or under the influence of a drug or disrupts other patrons or staff to enter or remain at the event. Also, the licensee must not allow any person apparently under the age of 18 to participate as a player in any game of chance.

3.3 All games must be operated exclusively on the basis of the rules supplied with the licence. Any variation of these rules is strictly prohibited.

3.4 The licensee must ensure that:

  1. only chips are used as the betting medium: cash betting is not permitted;
  2. betting chips are purchased solely from the Chip Cashier or chip or table runners;
  3. all chips in play have been purchased from the licensee.

3.5 The licensee must post the betting limits, payoff odds and rules of play for each game conducted. The licensee must also ensure that the age restriction for players is displayed.

3.6 The licensee must accept Canadian currency only as payment for the purchase of chips. Chips must be redeemed for Canadian currency only.

3.7 The licensee must ensure that no person is extended credit of any kind for gaming activities. Debit cards, credit cards or government, employer or personal cheques are prohibited.

3.8 The licensee may exclude players from participating in the games of chance or deny entry to any player at their discretion.