Secondary Applications and Licence Types - Individuals

Application NameBreedCodeDescription



 AAGTPermits an individual to act on behalf of an Owner for the purpose of claiming a horse.
  • Permits an individual to drive a horse in a Standardbred race.
  • Drivers must be certified by Standardbred Canada or the United States Trotting Association (USTA) prior to applying for an AGCO Driver licence.
  • Note: Applicant must (1) also select "Trainer" from the list of Secondary licence types and (2) present to AGCO Judges a physician’s report of a complete physical examination acceptable to the AGCO and once every two years, an eye examination by an ophthalmologist or an acceptable optometrist.



  • Permits an individual to ride or exercise a race horse(s) according to an AGCO licensed Trainer's workout instructions.
  • Note: An Exercise Person is not permitted to ride a horse during a race.
Groom GRM
  • Permits an individual to provide care and maintenance for a race horse(s) according to an AGCO licensed Trainer's instructions.
  • Note: Applicant must be acting in a Groom capacity.
Hot WalkerTB QHHWKR      
  • Permits an individual to cool down a race horse(s) by walking a horse by hand according to an AGCO licensed Trainer's instructions.
  • Note: Applicant must be (1) acting in a Hot Walker capacity and (2) employed by a licensed AGCO Trainer.
  • Permits an individual to ride a race horse in a Thoroughbred or Quarter Horse race.
  • Note: Applicant must (1) abide by weight guidelines at the time of racing and (2) present to the AGCO Stewards a physician’s report of a complete physical examination, acceptable to the AGCO, and once every two years, an eye examination by an ophthalmologist or an acceptable optometrist.
Apprentice JockeyTB QHAJKY
  • Permits an individual to ride a race horse in a Thoroughbred or Quarter Horse race where they have not yet met the certification requirements for an AGCO Jockey licence.
  • Note: Applicant must (1) abide by weight guidelines at the time of racing and (2) present to the AGCO Stewards a physician’s report of a complete physical examination, acceptable to the AGCO, and once every two years, an eye examination by an ophthalmologist or an acceptable optometrist. 
Jockey AgentTB QHJAGTPermits an individual to make engagements for the Jockey he/she represents to ride.
Jockey ValetTB QHJKYVPermits an individual to assist a jockey in pre- and post-race activities and to manage a jockey’s equipment.
Veterinarian VET
  • Permits an individual to examine, treat, and prescribe or administer a legal drug, substance or medication to a race horse.
  • Note: Applicant must (1) hold a valid licence with the College of Veterinarians of Ontario and (2) be affiliated with a practice that is accredited to practice on horses.
  • Licensed veterinarians must be familiar with all applicable provincial and federal rules and legislation concerning horse racing, including the AGCO’s Rules of Racing and the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency’s elimination schedule for therapeutic medications.
Occupational OCCPermits an individual employed by a Racetrack to perform duties relating to areas such as security, parking, catering, maintenance, housekeeping, admissions, program department or publicity.
Owner OWNR  
  • Permits an individual who owns all or part of a race horse(s) to participate in horse racing in Ontario.
  • Note: Applicant must (1) have a horse of racing age in Ontario, (2) declare their trainer on their application, (3) continue to register colours (TB/QH Owners only) and (4) include the name(s) of horses they own.
Ticket Seller
  • Permits an individual to issue or pay out pari-mutuel tickets.
  • Note: Applicant must be over the age of 18.
  • For more information about applying for a federal betting permit to conduct pari-mutuel betting at a racetrack location, please visit the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency website at
RiderSBRUSPermits an individual to ride a Standardbred horse in a Racing Under Saddle (RUS) race. Applicants will not be permitted to race unless they have (1) qualified and (2) met the requirements of Standardbred Canada or the United States Trotting Association (USTA). 
Spouse of Licensee SPOL  
  • Permits a spouse of an AGCO licensee to access secure areas of a Racetrack. Limited to Owner Licence category.
  • Note: Licensee must (1) hold a valid AGCO licence and (2) always be accompanied by their spouse in secure areas of the racetrack. Spouce of Licensee category cannot be held with any other secondary licence.

Spouse means either of two persons who:

  1. Are married to each other; or
  2. Not being married to each other, are cohabiting in a relationship of some permanence but does not include persons who are living separate and apart from each other pursuant to a written agreement.
Tradesperson  - Employer TDER    
  • Permits an individual not employed by a Racetrack Association to perform their trade or duties at a Racetrack.
  • This category includes tradespeople who employ others or are self-employed for the practices of their trade, such as blacksmiths, blood stock agents, chiropractors and massage therapists, members of the media, photographers and feed supply services.


- Employee

  • Permits an individual employed by an AGCO licensed Tradesperson - Employer to perform their duties at a Racetrack (e.g. feed delivery, veterinarian assistant).
  • This category includes tradespeople employed for the practice of their trade such as feed supply/delivery persons, bookkeepers, photographers employed by a publication, and veterinarian assistants.
Trainer TRN
  • Permits an individual to train and to take care and custody of a race horse(s), and to represent an AGCO licensed Owner in the matter of all entries, scratches, declarations and the engagement of jockeys, drivers, veterinarians and tradespersons.
  • In order for a Trainer to claim a horse on behalf of an Owner, they must also hold an Authorized Agent licence.
  • Note: New applicants must (1) be accredited from their respective industry association, such as the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, Quarter Racing Owners of Ontario Inc. or Standardbred Canada or (2) hold a valid trainer licence with another racing jurisdiction.
  • Any person who employs staff must (1) be registered with the Workers Safety and Insurance Board and (2) have this documentation readily available upon request.



 ATRN    Permits an individual to perform the duties of a Trainer under the direction of an AGCO licensed Trainer.



 BRDR   Permits an individual who owns breeding horses that are not currently racing to participate in Horse Improvement Programs in Ontario.



  • Permits an individual employed by a Racetrack Association, or working on their behalf, to access secure areas of a Racetrack, such as a backstretch or paddock, to perform their duties.
  • This includes department heads of the Racetrack Association, Official Veterinarians, test inspectors, Lasix veterinarian technicians, OnTrack Media employees and ambulance attendants.

Stable or



 SMGR   Permits an individual not otherwise licensed by the AGCO to act for a racing stable or multiple ownership entity as a Stable or Corporate Manager.

To see additional roles and which secondary licence you should apply for, see Licence Type Reference Guide.