Roles of the AGCO and LCBO

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is responsible for regulating alcohol sale and service in Ontario.
Administers the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (LLCA) , Regulation 745/21 , Regulation 746/21 , Regulation 747/21 , Regulation 767/21 , and (minimum pricing of liquor and other pricing matters).
Establishes Standards and monitors for compliance with standards and requirements.
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) offers more than 28,000 beverage alcohol products from more than 80 countries to consumers through our 680+ retail stores, LCBO Convenience Outlets and licensed establishments including bars, restaurants, grocery and convenience stores.
The LCBO is the sole wholesaler of record for all beverage alcohol products sold to licensed grocery and convenience stores.
- Licenses eligible grocery stores and convenience stores to sell alcohol for retail sale to the public
- Provides education to grocery and convenience store licensees on their obligations to ensure that alcohol sales are conducted in a safe, responsible and legal manner
- Licenses and regulates places that sell or serve alcohol, as well as alcohol delivery services, manufacturers, manufacturers’ representatives, and places where alcohol is made on-site
- Licenses eligible manufacturers to operate retail stores to sell their products on their production sites (i.e. wineries, distilleries and breweries), as well as licenses off-site winery retail stores and Brewers Retail Inc. stores (also known as “The Beer Store”)
- Issues endorsements and regulates the sale of alcohol for eligible wineries and grocery stores to operate wine boutiques inside a grocery store’s shopping area
- Approves required social responsibility training programs
- Issues Special Occasion Permits (SOPs), which allow for the sale and/or service of alcohol at certain special occasions, events or activities (i.e. cash bars at weddings or private receptions, and public events such as charity fundraisers)
- Conducts inspections and monitors licensed establishments to ensure compliance with the LLCA and its regulations, and Standards and other requirements including licence terms and conditions
- Facilitates product ordering, fulfillment, and delivery for licensed grocery and convenience stores
- Processes all business-to-business wholesale order transactions
- Receives payment from licensed grocery and convenience stores for all beverage alcohol purchased
- Pays beverage alcohol manufacturers for all products sold to licensed grocery and convenience stores
- Processes all claims, returns and financial adjustments for beverage alcohol products
- Offers an eligible product catalogue that licensees can choose from to buy alcoholic beverages based on their licence
- Communicates wholesale and minimum retail prices for all beverage alcohol products
- Initiates product recalls on behalf of beverage alcohol manufacturers
- Develops commercial relationships and supports business needs with a dedicated Account Management team
- Meets with licensed grocery and convenience stores to better understand how LCBO can support business objectives and strategic direction
Regulatory outcomes that protect the public:
- Ensures that alcohol is sold, served and delivered safely, responsibly and legally in Ontario
- Ensures the alcohol sector is operated with honesty and integrity and in the public interest
Sole wholesaler of record for beverage alcohol to licensed grocery and convenience stores:
- Providing wholesale customers value-added services to support the purchase and responsible sale of beverage alcohol in accordance with the relevant regulations