Section 5: Liquor Sales Licence for a Tied House

A tied house is a restaurant/establishment located at the same municipal or property address as a brewery’s production site, where the manufacturer’s products may be “showcased” on their own or in conjunction with other brands and types of liquor. The licensed establishment is not required to sell a variety of brands of liquor but may do so if they choose. Please see the Liquor Sales Licence (Including Tied House) and Mini Bar Licence Guide for information about how to apply for a Liquor Sales Licence for a tied house.

Sale of Beer from a Retail Store

If a manufacturer has a retail store on the production site and there is a tied house at the production site, the licensee may bring sealed, unopened liquor purchased from the retail store onto the licensed premises for the purposes of selling it to a patron. This allows restaurant patrons that wish to purchase product for future personal use from the retail store to pay for the product on their restaurant bill.

Note: A brewery production site may have both a Liquor Sales Licence for a tied house and a By-the-Glass Endorsement. Patrons are permitted to move freely between the licensed areas with their beverages. However, licensees must ensure adherence to rules regarding the permissible hours of sale for each licence type and other requirements relating to the sale and service of liquor at multiple premises.

See Hours for Sale, Service and Delivery of Liquor on the AGCO’s website.