Q&As - Extension of Hours for Liquor Sales Licensees for FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 Australia & New Zealand (FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023)

Q: What are the extended hours for liquor sale and service during the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023?  

A: Hours of liquor sales and service for liquor sales licensees will be extended to 7:00 a.m. from 9:00 a.m. from July 20 to August 20, 2023, inclusive.  The closing service time of 2:00 a.m. will remain unchanged. The extension of hours applies to all licensed areas at your establishment, with the exception of outdoor licensed areas, such as licensed patios..   

The extension of hours is not applicable to by-the-glass endorsement holders because the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 (LLCA) does not permit extension of hours for these premises.  

Q: Do I need to make an application to the AGCO to temporarily extend my hours of alcohol service during the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023?  

A: No, individual applications and approvals are not required. However, a municipality may indicate to the AGCO that it objects to the extension of hours in that municipality. A Municipal Resolution, or a letter from the City Clerk may be submitted to the Registrar by sending an email to municipal@agco.ca.  

Any such objections will be respected. Municipalities where extended hours are not in effect as a result of a formal objection by the municipality will be listed on the AGCO’s website for public and licensee reference.  

Q: I am not interested in opening early for the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023. Do I have to open at 7:00 a.m.?  

A: No. Whether or not to open or to provide liquor sale and service at 7:00 a.m. will be an individual business decision of each licensee.  

Q: Can I serve liquor before 7:00 a.m. or after 2:00 a.m.? 

A: No, liquor may only be sold and served from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 a.m. at licensed establishments from July 20 to August 20, 2023, inclusive.  

Q: Can I still serve liquor at 7:00 a.m. on days when there isn’t a FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 game or when games start later than 7:00 a.m.?  

A: Yes, the AGCO has approved the extension of hours to 7:00 a.m. from July 20 until August 20, 2023, regardless of whether there is a game on that day or if the game starts later than 7:00 a.m.  

Q: I have conditions on my licence. Can I still serve liquor at 7 a.m.?  

A: The temporary extension of hours does not override any conditions that are on your licence. For example, if you have a condition that stipulates that you cannot start the sale and service of alcohol until a specific time (for example, at noon or 5:00 p.m.), the temporary extension of hours for FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 does not apply to your establishment. You must adhere to any conditions that are on your licence.  

Q: Does this extension apply to Special Occasion Permit holders?  

A: No, this extension applies only to establishments with a Liquor Sales Licence and does not apply to Special Occasion Permit holders.  

Q: Does this extension apply to by-the-glass endorsement holders?  

A: No, this extension applies only to establishments with a Liquor Sales Licence and does not apply to by-the-glass endorsement holders.  

Q: Will there be any changes in how the LLCA is enforced?  

A: No. Licensees are expected to be in compliance with the LLCA, its regulations and the Registrar’s Interim Standards and Requirements for Liquor at all times during the approved hours of liquor sale and service.  

Q: I am a resident and I don’t agree to the temporary extension of hours, so who can I send my objection to?  

A: If you have an objection to the extension of hours in your area, you may go online to the iAGCO portal to submit a complaint.   

Q: Why don’t residents have more of a say?  

A: Because this extension of hours is time-limited, the Registrar will consider objections from municipalities only. Residents can go online to the iAGCO portal to submit a complaint to object to the province-wide extension. If a municipality wishes to indicate an objection, a Municipal Resolution or letter from the City Clerk may be submitted to the Registrar by sending an email to municipal@agco.ca.  

Q: Does a municipal by-law need to be passed for extension of hours in my community?  

A: No. The Registrar has approved the temporary extension of hours to liquor sales licensed establishments province-wide. The Registrar recognizes that the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 is an event of international significance for communities in Ontario and the extension will apply to licensees province-wide except where municipalities formally object to the extension of hours. Municipalities have the ability to object to the extension of hours in their area by notifying the Registrar in writing of their objections. Local wishes will be respected, and a list of municipalities which will not have extended hours during the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 will be posted on the ACGO’s website. Only the City of Toronto has the authority to extend hours in their municipality.  

Q: Can I request a temporary extension of hours for other events not taking place in Ontario?  

A: Events taking place outside of Ontario, though broadcasted in Ontario, are generally not considered as events of significance eligible for extended hours. The World Cup is a rare exception. Liquor sales licensees may apply to the AGCO if they wish to request a temporary extension of hours for liquor sale and service for events which are of municipal, provincial, national or international significance, and the requests will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.  

Q: I live outside Toronto. Why doesn’t my municipality have the same authority as Toronto to extend the hours of liquor sale and service?  

A: In 2006, the provincial government made changes to the Liquor Licence Act (carried forward to the LLCA) allowing the City of Toronto to extend hours of sale and service of liquor for events of municipal, provincial, national or international significance by passing a by-law to that effect. The City of Toronto is the only municipality that has this authority.  

Q: Why has the AGCO changed its policy regarding the temporary extension of hours?  

A: The AGCO has not changed its policy. The Registrar recognizes that the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 is one of the largest and most watched sporting events in the world and attracts a considerable following among the many and diverse communities in this province. Although events taking place outside Ontario are generally not considered events of significance eligible for extended hours, given the very high level of interest in the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 and the unique circumstances of this event, the Registrar is satisfied that this is an event of significance and has granted this temporary extension. The Registrar is also satisfied that there are no additional public safety concerns and that the overall intent of the legislation is maintained, which is to allow extensions only under exceptional circumstances. Extensions of hours were also granted for the 2010, 2018 and 2022 World Cups.  

Q: How will I know if extended hours will be allowed in my municipality?  

A: A list of municipalities who have provided the Registrar with their objection and which will not have extended hours during the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 will be posted on the AGCO website.  

Q: When was the last time a province-wide temporary extension of liquor service hours was approved by the Registrar?   

A: A temporary extension of the start of liquor service hours was approved in the province in 2022, allowing a start time of 7:00 a.m. from November 20 to December 18, 2022 for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. At that time, the usual start time for sale and service was 9:00 a.m. The extension of hours for this period was intended to allow service to coincide with the beginning of some games, which because of the time difference involved, were televised in Ontario early in the morning.  

Q: Can liquor sales licensees also now sell for takeout and delivery starting at 7 a.m.? 

A: No. The hours for takeout and delivery remain unchanged. Liquor can only be delivered between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m., and can only be removed for takeout from a licensed premises between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m.