Liquor sales licences - Applications in your municipality

Find out how to apply for a liquor sales licence in your municipality.

View Current Applications

To view liquor sales licence applications filed with the AGCO for which a public notification is required, please search via the iAGCO  portal.

The search tool can be used to view all current applications, or to narrow down a search by city, premises name, street name, or other criteria. An account is not required.

Objecting to an Application

If you have concerns about a proposed licensed premises or an expansion of an existing licensed premises in your community for which a public notice has been posted, you may object to the application.

Formal objections can only be made via the iAGCO portal  and must be received before the submission deadline.

The deadline is indicated on the objection notice posted at the premises applying for the licence, and can also be found through a search on the iAGCO online portal . The search tool can be used to view all current applications, or to narrow down a search by city, premises name, street name, or other criteria. Once you have found the application you are looking for in the search results, click on the “File Objection” button to submit the information required with your objection.

A Guide for Residents Objecting to a Liquor Sales Licence Application

Public Notice

A liquor sales licence may be issued unless pursuant to the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019 it is not in the public interest.

Where an application for a liquor sales licence has been filed with the AGCO and there has been no liquor sales licence at that address for at least six (6) months, the AGCO posts a public notification to allow local residents the opportunity to comment on the proposed licence.

The AGCO also posts a public notification where an existing licensee wishes to (1) licence an outdoor space such as a patio, and (2) increase the licensed capacity (indoor or outdoor) of the establishment by more than 25%.

The Registrar may require public notification due to the location or the past compliance history of an establishment.

Please note that the Licence Appeal Tribunal will post a public notification where an existing licensee wishes to remove a condition(s) imposed on the licence as a result of a hearing before a panel of the Board of the AGCO or the Licence Appeal Tribunal