Charitable Gaming Lottery Licensing Fees

Note: Operators of charitable gaming sites (eg. Bingo Halls), and Hall Charities Association Administrators, should refer to the Gaming Registration Fee Schedule.

In accordance with Section 17 of Order in Council 208/2024 , the maximum fees that may be charged for the issuance of a licence or authorization are as listed in the chart below.

EventFee ($Cdn)
Charitable Gaming Events Conducted and Managed in a Charitable Gaming Site with 4 or more events per week or 3 or less events per week (under the Bingo Revenue Model)
  • Maximum of $165 per event (Municipal Authorization Fee)
  • 0.78% of gross wager on all lotteries (Provincial Licence Fee)
Bingo (Regular) (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • 3% of prizes
Special (Monster) Bingo (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • 3% of prizes
Super Jackpot (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • (Full Super Jackpot prize + line prizes) x the number of events x 40% x 3%
Media Bingo (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • 3% of prizes
Table Board Bingo (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • Number of sessions, multiplied by the maximum payout, multiplied by 3%
Progressive Bingo Game (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • Total number of sessions x $12
Loonie Progressive Game (non-pooling bingo halls)
  • Total number of sessions x $2
Break Open Ticket
  • 3% of prizes
Raffle Lotteries
  • 3% of prizes*
Special Occasion Gaming Event
  • $5 per blackjack table
  • $5 per wheel of fortune
  • 3% of prizes for a raffle conducted in conjunction with the Special Occasion Gaming event
Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event
  • $10 per blackjack table per day
  • $10 per wheel of fortune per day
  • $100 per merchandise bingo
Bazaar Gaming Event
  • 3% of prizes for a bingo
  • 3% of prizes for a raffle
  • $10 per wheel of fortune per day

*The licence fee for all stand-alone raffle licences issued by the Registrar is 1% of the prize board.