Financial Management and Administration of Pooling Bingo Halls - Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to Hall Charities Associations and licensees who conduct and manage charitable gaming events in bingo halls where proceeds are pooled.


CDTA—short form of “consolidated designated trust account,” which means an account designated as a trust account by the financial institution in which it is held by an HCA, into which are deposited the proceeds derived from events conducted and managed pursuant to lottery licenses, in accordance with these terms and conditions.

EFT—short form of “electronic funds transfer,” which means a system of technology that allows for pooled lottery proceeds to be transferred securely by electronic means from the Hall Charities Association’s lottery trust accounts to its member organizations’ lottery trust accounts.

HCA—short form of “Hall Charities Association,” which means an association formed by all the licensees conducting bingo and other lotteries within a bingo hall or other charitable gaming site.

OLG—short form of “Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation,” a Crown agency responsible for conducting and managing games of chance, such as Lotto 6/49.

Operator—licensed operator of a bingo hall or other gaming site who is registered under the Gaming Control Act, 1992.


1. General

1.1    The Hall Charities Association (HCA) shall act on behalf of its member organizations who were or are licensed to conduct and manage charitable gaming events in the bingo hall.

1.2    The HCA must manage the bingo prize board being awarded to ensure that, on average, calculated in the relevant time period, the prize board for bingo games does not exceed the percentage prescribed by the Registrar.