<p>The Licensee shall give notice to the Registrar if the Licensee intends to cater events in a premises under the exclusive control of the&nbsp;Licensee.</p>

<p>In the case of a catered event that is held in a premises that is not a residence and is not a premises under the exclusive control of the Licensee for which notice has already been given to the Registrar, at least 10 days before a catered event begins, a holder of a licence with a caterer&rsquo;s endorsement shall provide to the Registrar and the local police, fire, health and building departments details&nbsp;concerning,</p>

<ol type="a">
<li>the nature of the event and the name of the&nbsp;sponsor;</li>
<li>the address at which the event will be&nbsp;held;</li>
<li>the dates on which and the hours during which the event will be&nbsp;held;</li>
<li>the estimated attendance for the event;&nbsp;and</li>
<li>the boundaries of the area within which liquor will be sold and served and the location of any tiered seating in the&nbsp;area.&nbsp;</li>