The AGCO would like to take this opportunity to provide an update regarding its Information Bulletin, dated April 19, 2023 regarding the operation of GotSkill machines in liquor licensed establishments in Ontario.
The company that operates GotSkill machines in Ontario, Skill Based Games Inc., has filed an Application for Judicial Review with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice – Divisional Court.
Pending the outcome of these proceedings, the AGCO’s requirement that liquor licensed establishments stop offering GotSkill machines on their premises will be placed in abeyance. During this time, the AGCO’s compliance activities in relation to GotSkill will be paused.
We will continue to provide updates as new information becomes available.
Please contact the AGCO or your local AGCO Inspector, should you have any questions or require any clarification. AGCO Customer Service can be reached via the iAGCO online portal , or by phone at 1-800-522-2876, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.