Sandy's Law sign must be visible in all areas where alcohol is sold and served, including patios


As the Government of Ontario continues to allow more regions to enter Stage 2 of reopening, the AGCO would like to remind those liquor sales licensees who are permitted to open, that in addition to meeting the eligibility criteria to temporarily extend an existing patio or open a new one, licensees are also required to comply with all other existing requirements under the Liquor Permis Act and regulations, including the Sandy’s Law requirement.

Regulation 718 requires licensees to prominently display a sign that cautions women who are pregnant that consuming alcohol during pregnancy is the cause of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with prescribed wording. Under Stage 2 of the government’s reopening plan, where restaurants, bars, food trucks and other food and drink establishments may open for service in outdoor areas only, licensees are reminded that the sign must be visible to patrons and displayed in a location where alcohol is sold and served (this includes temporarily extended and new patios). The sign must be in English (and may also be in French) and must be at least 8 by 10 inches in size.

To download and print a copy of the Sandy’s Law signage, click here .