Removal of COVID-19 related additional flexibility to Terms and Conditions and Use of Proceeds for Charitable Organizations

Information Bulletin
Lottery and Gaming

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the AGCO put in place a number of temporary measures to enhance flexibility and support organizations licensed to conduct charitable lotteries in Ontario.

This bulletin provides updates on the temporary COVID-19 measures for licensed charitable organizations during the pandemic. These temporary measures helped to support charities while public health measures were in place. With charities returning to business as usual, these temporary accommodations are ending. 

These updates will take effect as of today, 28 February, 2023.


What is changing?

Charities will go back to the usual application of the Terms and Conditions for lottery licences given that public health measures in place for the COVID-19 pandemic have been lifted. Allowances permitted under this temporary measure, such as the ability for bona-fide members to virtually supervise raffle draws through a live stream, are no longer available. Charitable licensees may continue to seek licence amendments which will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the licensing authority as outlined in the Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM).

Additional flexibility in the use of lottery proceeds, such as the expansion of certain administrative expenses not permitted in the LLPM, is no longer available. Charities will go back to using lottery proceeds as they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following table summarizes the changes to temporary COVID-19 measures as described above.

Temporary COVID-19 Measure for Charitable Organizations  Status

Additional flexibility in Terms and Conditions



Ending:  Charities must follow the Terms and Conditions attached to lottery licences.

Additional Flexibility on Use of Lottery Proceeds


Ending:  Charities must follow the requirements on the use of charitable proceeds.

Relevant Resources

Other recent updates to temporary COVID-19 measures and related bulletins for the charitable gaming sector can be found by clicking the links below:

Contact the AGCO for More Information

Charitable gaming-related inquiries can be sent directly to the AGCO’s Eligibility Officers at AGCO Customer Service can be reached at 1-800-522-2876, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.