Notice to Cannabis Retail Store Owners/Operators on the delegation of regulatory reporting to staff


To make it easier for cannabis retailers to delegate regulatory reporting to their staff, the AGCO is providing you with the option to set up a store-specific iAGCO account for reporting purposes.

To set up an iAGCO account for reporting purposes:

  • Create a new email account to use for regulatory reporting
  • Register the account in iAGCO, using the reporting email account address
  • Advise the AGCO Eligibility Officer who is processing your application (or send an email from the reporting email account to with the subject heading, “New reporting account for [insert your CRSA number]”) that you have registered your reporting iAGCO account.
  • Use your reporting iAGCO account to submit monthly and incidental regulatory reports. AGCO will send updates about regulatory reporting to your reporting account email address.

If you have questions about how to set up a CRSA reporting account, or require more information, please email