December 2, 2021
The Ontario Government is introducing a new fundraising opportunity for the Royal Canadian Legion and other eligible service clubs to conduct and manage a Progressive Jackpot Raffle.
This move is in response to a request to permit service clubs to hold Progressive Jackpot Raffle (“Loonie-Toonie”) draws to provide additional fundraising opportunities.
When the licence becomes available in the coming weeks, eligible service clubs will be able to apply to run a Progressive Jackpot Raffle (“Loonie-Toonie”) using the existing blanket raffle licence issued by municipalities and First Nations with an Order-in-Council.
Please note these activities are subject to provincial public health restrictions under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020. All licensees and participants must comply with proof of vaccination requirements, physical distancing measures and any other public health measures issued by the Ontario and/or or local government. For information on the provincial public health and workplace safety measures, we encourage you to visit the government’s COVID-19 website.
For your information: On December 2, 2021, the Ontario Government also announced a new free Social Gaming Licence to help facilitate casual social gaming activities. For information, please see: The Ontario Government Announces a New, Free Social Gaming Licence for Casual Game Play.
What is the Progressive Jackpot Raffle?
The Progressive Jackpot Raffle is a multiple-draw game where the prize may be either won or carried over from one draw to the next.
Players complete a one-time ticket registration with their local service club and provide contact information. Each player is registered with a unique number assigned to them for the game. The draw includes all registered numbers (tickets), regardless of how many were purchased, but the player must have paid for that draw to be eligible to win.
At the draw, a ticket is chosen and, if the person to whom the number is registered has paid or “played” the ticket for that particular draw, the winner is declared. If the drawn ticket’s registered player did not pay for that draw, there is no winner and the prize is added to the following draw.
Tickets can cost up to $1 for daily draws and $2 for weekly draws. For this raffle, there is a maximum prize of $2,500, at which time the pot must be awarded and the raffle starts again.
Who is eligible to apply for this new raffle?
The AGCO is currently offering this Progressive Jackpot Raffle licence to Royal Canadian Legions and other service clubs. The AGCO will assess opportunities to expand access beyond service clubs in the future.
Please contact your municipal licensing office or First Nation with an Order-In-Council for information about application requirements and the process for approvals.
How to apply for this new raffle
- Applicants must submit a Blanket Raffle application or request an amendment to an existing Blanket Raffle Licence to their local municipality or First Nation with an Order-In-Council for approval. If approved, they will receive a new or amended Blanket Raffle Licence to conduct this paper-based progressive jackpot raffle.
- This Blanket Raffle licence will allow eligible service clubs to offer a series of progressive jackpot raffle events from one location for up to one year.
- As part of the application process, service clubs will submit a proposed draw schedule and a plan outlining the maximum sales and prizes per draw.
Financial Obligations under the Progressive Jackpot Raffle
- The licence is valid for one year or until the total prizes awarded from the series of draws reach $50,000, whichever comes first.
- The prize board for each draw cannot exceed $2,500. To support this, the licensee is required to develop a strategy that describes the manner in which the raffle will conclude when $2,500 has been reached and a winner is determined, at which time a new raffle can begin.
- Tickets can be up to $2 for a weekly draw or up to $1 for a daily draw.
- The winner will receive 50% of the amount wagered on that draw, plus any amount that has accumulated from previous draws where there was no winner, up to a maximum of $2,500.
- The other 50% of the amount wagered is retained by the licensee for use on approved charitable purposes outlined in the licence application, minus allowable expenses.
- A membership to a service club is not required to participate in the raffle.
Game Details
- The Progressive Jackpot Raffle must be paper based; electronic tickets are not permitted and the use of online solutions to run any element of the online purchase of tickets, selection of winner, or distribution of prizes for this type of raffle is not permitted.
- Acceptable methods of payment for tickets are cash, credit, and debit.
- All registered raffle numbers must be entered into every draw.
- To be eligible to win, the person to whom the number is registered must have paid for the ticket for that specific draw.
- Service clubs may add certain conditions themselves, outlined in the licensee’s Rules of Play.
- Once sales for a draw have closed, a ticket must be drawn. The number on the ticket must be announced and if the conditions are met, the prize must be awarded.
- If a number/ticket that is drawn is a “non-winner”, as per the Rules of Play established by the licensee, the prize amount progresses or is carried over to the following draw up to a maximum prize board of $2,500.
- Numbers cannot be transferred between active players.
Additional Raffle Details
- The licensee, and charity bona fide volunteers helping with the raffle will keep records of, manage and secure the following:
- all assigned raffle numbers including contact information for the players,
- the payments received from each player for each number for all draws,
- weekly or daily sign-in (“the logbook”) of players, if applicable,
- ticket number drawn,
- if a prize was awarded, and if so, name of winner,
- draw date, and
- any other characteristic from the draw process.
- Rules of Play must be developed by the licensee, approved by the licensing authority and be readily available.
- The ConnexOntario name and phone number (1-866-531-2600) must appear on the Rules of Play and in all advertising.
Reporting Requirements
Licensees must submit a Blanket Raffle Lottery Report form , along with all supporting documentation, to the licensing authority.
The AGCO would like to thank Percy Hatfield, MPP Windsor-Tecumseh, for his input and advice on this proposal to support service clubs such as the Royal Canadian Legion, its members, and the charitable causes they support.
Please refer to section 5.2.1 (G) of the AGCO’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual for further information pertaining to blanket raffle licences and for other requirements.
Terms and Conditions
Progressive Jackpot Raffle licensees must comply with Terms and Conditions, including, with the modifications set out below:
Raffle Licence Terms and Conditions Exemptions and Modifications:
- The Terms and Conditions for the raffle licence have been modified as follows to apply to Progressive Jackpot Raffle:
- Section 4.1: the licensee does not need to print the tickets indicated and approved in the application for licence;
- Section 4.3 (a) (vii): total number of tickets printed does not have to appear on tickets;
- Section 4.3 (b): the part of ticket retained by the organization (for draw or record purposes) does not require:
- ii. The licence number and the name of the licensee
- iii. Adequate space for the name, address, and telephone number of the ticket purchaser.
- Section 7.2 (a) (v): the price of the ticket must be included in all print advertising, but the total number of tickets printed does not;
- Section 8.5 (a) & (b): ticket sellers are not permitted to be paid a sales commission; and
- Section 9.2: licensees shall keep winning tickets throughout the period of the licence and for reporting requirements. All unsold tickets or counterfoils may be destroyed 30 calendar days after the date of the draw. Winning tickets must be kept in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Terms and Conditions.
Lottery Licensing Policy Manual Exemption:
- The following Lottery Licensing Policy Manual stipulations do not apply:
- Section 12: The licence application must state the number of tickets to be issued.
Helpful Resources
For more information, you may also submit your questions online through the iAGCO portal or call AGCO Customer Service (416) 326-8700 or toll free 1 (800) 522-2876 Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
For information about services to help with problem gambling in Ontario, visit or call ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600.