October 26, 2020
Providing a quicker, easier, more convenient way to conduct transactions related to your AGCO charitable lottery licence
Launch of iAGCO Online Services
Today, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is launching the latest phase of iAGCO online service delivery. The AGCO’s move towards a digital first strategy is modernizing service channels to provide an enhanced experience anytime, from anywhere.
As of October 26, 2020, organizations seeking charitable gaming licences from the AGCO will conduct all AGCO-related transactions through iAGCO . This means applications and reporting for charitable gaming-related licences will now be completed online.
Note: Changes detailed in this announcement only apply to licences issued by the AGCO and do not impact licences issued by municipalities and First Nations. To determine whether a licence is issued by the AGCO, a municipality or a First Nation, refer to the “Helpful Information and Resources” section below.
New Options Available
iAGCO online services are now available for charitable gaming licensees, enabling them to:
- Apply for charitable gaming-related licences and submit reports (known as Regulatory Submissions in iAGCO).
- Submit fewer required documents with reduced obligations to resubmit documents once an organization is found to be eligible.
- See “Changes to Charitable Gaming Eligibility Management” section for details.
- Automatically calculate fees and make online payments.
- Save applications in draft form and view the status of completed applications once submitted.
- Manage online profiles and use those profiles to save time completing future applications.
- Receive licences by email or download or print licences anytime from within iAGCO.
Charitable Gaming Licences Affected
Organizations must now apply through iAGCO for any of the following licences from the AGCO:
- Bingo Hall Charity Association Licence
- Bingo Event Licence
- Break Open Ticket Licence
- Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event Licence
- Loonie Progressive Licence
- Progressive Bingo Licence
- Provincial Break Open Ticket Licence
- Raffle Licence (paper-based) with total prizes over $50,000
- Electronic and online raffles
- Special Occasion Gaming Licence (formerly known as Social Gaming Licence)
- Note: The limit on the number of wheels of fortune and blackjack tables has increased. Licensees are now permitted a maximum of 20 wheels of fortune and 20 blackjack tables per event.
- Super Jackpot Licence.
Paper-based applications are no longer accepted for these AGCO-issued licences.
Getting Started with iAGCO
Before creating your iAGCO account, please note:
- You will be required to provide a valid email address.
- Organizations that already have an active AGCO charitable gaming licence, or ones that have had a licence expire within the last two years, will be required to enter a one-time access code. Once they have created their new iAGCO account, the access code will link the licence information already on file to their new iAGCO account.
- To obtain your one-time access code, please call AGCO Customer Service at 416-326-8700 or 1-800-522-2876.
- Organizations that have never held an AGCO charitable gaming licence do not need a one-time access code.
- This includes organizations that are applying for a licence from the AGCO for the first time but have previously held, or currently hold, charitable gaming licences issued by a municipality or First Nation.
- If the type of licence you are applying for requires payment of a fee, all payments must be made online through iAGCO by Interac (Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit or MasterCard Debit.
- Payments of $30,000 or more must be made by money wire transfer or electronic funds transfer.
- Cheques and cash are not accepted.
Changes to Charitable Gaming Eligibility Management
To help reduce the amount of time needed to complete Charitable Gaming Eligibility (CGE) applications, the AGCO will now assess an organization’s CGE online through iAGCO.
Once the CGE status is approved, charitable gaming lottery licence applications may be submitted using a CGE number without needing to resubmit eligibility documents.
Not all charitable gaming licensing applicants will require a CGE number. Exemptions include Bingo Hall Charity Associations, Fairs and Exhibitions and organizations fundraising on behalf of Federated Health and The United Way.
The AGCO has reduced the list of documents required as part of CGE applications. Eligibility is now assessed using the following documents:
- Constituting documents, bylaws
- Letters patent (if available)
- Budget, financial statement
- Board of directors
- Bona fide members list.
- The eligibility review process will not be repeated with each application, unless there has been a significant change to the organization, such as a change of directors or officers, or there is another reason to review the eligibility of the organization.
- Significant changes to an organization must be reported to the AGCO.
- The CGE number replaces the Group Identification Number (GIN) that was previously used.
- The CGE process is used by the AGCO only.
- Municipalities and First Nations conduct their own eligibility assessments for licences they issue.
Other iAGCO Online Services
In addition to charitable gaming licence holders, iAGCO is available for charitable gaming operators, cannabis retail licensees and the horse racing industry in Ontario. Alcohol-related transactions, including Special Occasion Permits and liquor manufacturing licensing, can also be conducted in iAGCO.
iAGCO is also now available to electronic gaming suppliers and operators for equipment submissions. See Information Bulletin: AGCO launches iAGCO online services for electronic gaming equipment submissions for more information.
Since the launch of iAGCO online services in 2017, users have been overwhelmingly satisfied with its ease of use and functionality.
Helpful Information and Resources
- The AGCO is responsible for regulating and overseeing licensed lottery events conducted by eligible charitable and religious organizations to raise funds to support charitable purposes.
- This responsibility is shared with municipalities and First Nations with an Order-In-Council.
- Certain licences are issued at municipal level while others are issued by the AGCO.
- Includes bingo, raffles and the sale of break open tickets.
- This responsibility is shared with municipalities and First Nations with an Order-In-Council.
- The AGCO is the licensing authority for the following licences that will now be administered using iAGCO. These include:
- Lottery events with high prize values
- Lottery events that are held in conjunction with other licenced lottery events
- Electronic versions of lottery events (e.g. electronic raffles)
- Lottery events with a province-wide footprint (e.g. provincial break open tickets)
- Lottery events to be held in unorganized territories or federal lands for which there is no municipal government
- First Nations that do not have an Order-in-Council
- Organizations fundraising for United Way or Federated Health.
The Registrar publishes a Lottery Licensing Policy Manual (LLPM) which is used to determine eligibility for a lottery licence and the use of proceeds from charitable gaming. The LLPM has been designed to ensure lottery licences are issued and administered on a consistent basis throughout the province. The AGCO also uses the LLPM to communicate changes in the Registrar’s policies and in the regulatory structures for lottery licensing.
For more information:
- Email AGCO Customer Service at customer.service@agco.ca or call 416-326-8700 or 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
- Submit an inquiry online via iAGCO (you do not need to create an iAGCO account to do so).
- Visit the iAGCO Information page.