Info Bulletin No.76 - Expansion of Use of Proceeds Policy for Provincial Break Open Tickets

Information Bulletin
Lottery and Gaming

(February 18, 2016) 

Order-in-Council 1413/08 gives the Registrar sole authority to issue lottery licences allowing eligible organizations to manage and conduct provincial break open ticket lotteries. Break open tickets are instant-win lottery tickets, commonly known as “pull tab” or “Nevada” tickets and the brand name “Pocket Slots.” Chapter 7 of the Registrar’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual sets out the policies relating to break open tickets.  

The Registrar is pleased to announce that “research” is now an acceptable program to which lottery proceeds may be directed, provided that it is approved by the licensing authority. These changes support the Ontario government’s commitment, in consultation with industry stakeholders, to continue the modernization of the charitable gaming industry. 


  • Section 7.6.1(B) of the Registrar’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual will be amended in the near future to reflect this change; however, the change is effective immediately.
  • There are no changes to the lottery reports that must be submitted to the licensing authority at the end of the licensing period nor to the fee structure.
  • There is no change to the current policies for municipally-licensed break open ticket lotteries.

Additional information 

If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding this Information Bulletin, please contact Tanya Godinho, Senior Gaming Registration Officer, at 416-326-8707Image removed. or contact the AGCO’s Customer Service Department at 1-800-522-2876Image removed. (toll-free in Ontario) or 416-326-8700Image removed. (in the Greater Toronto Area).