Industry Notice: Reminder –Temporary Submission Process for Adding/Removing a Horse to/from the EIPH Program in Ontario Ends July 1

Horse Racing

The AGCO would like to remind trainers, assistant trainers, owners and veterinarians that the temporary process of making submissions by email to to add or remove a horse to or from the Exercise Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage (EIPH) Program in Ontario will end on July 1, 2020.

After July 1, 2020, the AGCO will only accept EIPH Program submissions online through the iAGCO portal at

We encourage you to be proactive and log onto iAGCO prior to July 1, 2020 so you are familiar with the process.

For information on how to add or remove a horse to or from the EIPH Program in Ontario on iAGCO, please see Regulatory Submission – EIPH Program – Add or Remove Horse (Ordinarily Competing in Ontario)  for a step-by-step walkthrough including a 2-minute tutorial video.

If you do not yet have an iAGCO account, you must create one. Contact Customer Service for an online access code Monday – Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at 416-326-8700 or toll free at 1-800-522-2876. You can also ask an AGCO Licensing Agent at any open track office or email a Licensing Agent