Declaring Horses on the Procaine List

Horse Racing

Horses using procaine penicillin must be declared as required by the AGCO Rules of Thoroughbred Racing 6.42. and Rules of Standardbred Racing 22.39. Such horses will be placed on the Procaine List and remain on this list for no less than 60 days following the last reported use of this medication. This list provides transparency to the public and industry.

Being on this list does not alleviate the trainer’s responsibility to continue to advise the test inspector no later than half an hour before the post time of each race in which the horse is entered for quantitative testing to be completed.

The current practice of submitting slips will continue to be required.

For more information, see the AGCO Rules of Racing, the Official Lists and the Elimination Guidelines produced by the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency.