AGCO’s former CEO Jean Major Awarded the 2020 Canadian Gaming Industry Award for Leadership and Outstanding Contribution

Lottery and Gaming

The AGCO is pleased to announce that Jean Major, the recently retired Registrar and Chief Executive Officer of the AGCO, has been named the recipient of the Canadian Gaming Association’s (CGA) 2020 Canadian Gaming Industry Award for Leadership and Outstanding Contribution.

Throughout his 35 years in the public service, Jean has been recognized as a formidable leader of gaming and horse racing regulatory agencies in Ontario. During his 16 years as Registrar and CEO of the AGCO and until his retirement this past September, Jean revolutionized the AGCO’s approach to regulation and was instrumental in the development of a progressive regulatory framework for gaming regulation, including lotteries and iGaming. He was also responsible for implementing significant changes in the way horse racing is regulated in Ontario. 

“It is a privilege to recognize such an exceptionally talented individual as Jean,” said Paul Burns, President & CEO of the CGA. “The Canadian gaming industry is indebted to him for the example he set with his forward-thinking vision as he evolved the AGCO into a modern regulator and strong defender of public interest.”
The AGCO extends its congratulations to Jean Major on this well-earned honour!