Registrar’s Standards for Gaming: Lottery Sector


The registrar’s standards for lottery – composition

This document includes only the Registrar of Alcohol and Gaming’s (Registrar) Standards for Lottery. Due to the distinct nature of the Lottery sector compared to other gaming sectors in Ontario, a number of Standards previously included in the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming have been excluded or modified, and a number of new Standards have been added (Please note: Where a Standard from the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming has been excluded from the Standards for Lottery, it is referenced as “Not applicable to lottery sector”). The document, therefore, should be considered separate from the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming, which applies to Casinos, iGaming and cGaming.

The April 2017 version of the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming: Lottery Sector have been amended, including the addition of new Standards. This iteration of the Registrar’s Standards for Gaming: Lottery Sector, therefore, supersedes all previously issued versions.

The document is divided into two (2) general sections: Definitions and the Registrar’s Standards for Lottery. The Registrar’s Standards for Lottery are divided into the six identified Risk Themes, under which theme-specific Standard and Requirements are provided. The Themes include:

  • Risk Theme 1: Entity
  • Risk Theme 2: Responsible Gambling
  • Risk Theme 3: Prohibiting Access to Designated Groups
  • Risk Theme 4: Ensuring Game Integrity and Player Awareness
  • Risk Theme 5: Public Safety and Protection of Assets
  • Risk Theme 6: Minimizing Unlawful Activity Related to Gaming.


For certain Standards, further and more explicit direction is provided through one or more specific “Requirements”. These Requirements establish the minimum obligations a registrant must achieve to fulfill the corresponding Standard.


Included as part of a number of the Standards and Requirements is a corresponding section which provides regulatory guidance specific to the given standard or requirement. Guidance serves to provide registrants with greater clarity as to the purpose or intent behind a given Standard or Requirement. 

If, in the future additional guidance is necessary, the AGCO plans to work in collaboration with industry and other key stakeholders, when necessary, to facilitate compliance, ease of application and to ensure a consistent and shared understanding as to the meaning and intent of the Standards and Requirements.