3.1  Scheduling Software

3.1.1  A server-assisted or server-based slot system may contain or control scheduling software which instructs the slot machine server to download critical software or computer files to con- nected server-assisted slot machines or client stations, and to activate, modify or deactivate such programs, either on demand or at pre-established times and dates.

3.1.2  Scheduling software must include, at a minimum, reports of all pending, successful and unsuccessful events, including the user name, date, time, identification numbers of critical software and computer files successfully or unsuccessfully added, deleted, moved, activat- ed or deactivated, and the status of each event.

3.2  Change Controls

3.2.1  At a minimum, on a daily basis and prior to any critical software being added to or removed from a server-assisted slot machine or client station, any configurable option changes, or any activations or deactivations of an electronic gaming machine game on a server-assisted or server-based slot system, a complete set of electronic gaming machine game data must be successfully and accurately communicated to the slot machine server, a slot management sys- tem, or another approved slot accounting system to include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Error Logs, Electronic Gaming Equipment Minimum Technical Standards section 11, Error Conditions;
  2. All applicable meters required by Electronic Gaming Equipment Minimum Technical Stan- dards section 18, Meters;

  3. Last Game Recall for client stations, Electronic Gaming Equipment Minimum Technical Standards section 17, Last Game Recall;
  4. Cashless Transaction Logs, Electronic Gaming Equipment Minimum Technical Standards section 5, Cashless Wagering System.

3.2.2  Software must not be activated, deactivated, added to, modified or removed from a server-as- sisted slot machine or client station while an error or tilt condition, or hand pay lockup exists on the server-assisted slot machine or client station, except as necessary to rectify the error or tilt condition.

3.2.3  The removal of any software from a server-assisted slot machine, client station or slot machine server must in no way affect the requirement to maintain and store the logs of events related to that software and logged pursuant to sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 below.

3.3  Electronic Gaming Machine Requirements for Download and Installation

3.3.1  The server-assisted or server-based slot system must not permit any activation of gaming software, paytable (payback/game theme) change or configuration changes to occur until the server-assisted slot machine or client station meets all of the following conditions:

  1. Be in idle mode with no game play, no credits, no hand pay, no tilts or error conditions for at least four minutes prior to activation of gaming software, paytable change or configura- tion changes;
  2. During activation of any, the server-assisted slot machine or client station on which the game is offered must be disabled and rendered unplayable until the activation or implemen- tation process is successfully completed;
  3. While the server-assisted slot machine or client station is disabled for activation, the serv- er-assisted slot machine or client station on which the game is offered must continuously display a conspicuous message stating that the game configuration is being changed. A patron, however, may have the option to bypass this message if he/she chooses to resume play prior to the end of the required time period; and
  4. If the change in the active software is the direct result of a player request, the delay re- quirements of this technical standard are not applicable. However, the active software may not be changed if an error or tilt exists, or if a pending hand pay remains on the server-as- sisted slot machine or client station.

3.3.2  Before gaming software, paytable (payback/game theme) change, or configuration change to a game is made available for patron play, one of the following conditions must be met:

  1. There is a clear change to the game display from the previously activated game where the patron can determine that there has been a change made to the game, e.g. a new theme, new denomination, notification of the date/time of the last configuration change (e.g. when activated paytable was changed), etc. This must be displayed until the first game is played after the change is made, or for a period of 24 hours;                        
  2. The paytable is unavailable for play for a period of twenty four (24) hours; or
  3. A sign or notification declaring that a change is to be made has been placed or displayed on the machine for a period of twenty four (24) hours after the change is made.

3.3.3  The change procedure described in section 3.3.1 above must also apply to an activated server-assisted slot machine or client station that offers multiple games.

3.3.4  Alarms required but not limited to Electronic Gaming Equipment Minimum Technical Standards sections 3.3.2, 11.1.2b), and 11.1.3c), Tilt Conditions, as applicable, must be able to be commu- nicated to the gaming management system and/or slot machine server during any part of the download and activation process.

3.3.5  Any feature or setting of a game which is not approved for use must be disabled in the configurable options of the game’s program through the use of a hardware device, secure password or other restricted technical procedure.