7. Wagering Instrument Peripherals

The objective of the requirements in this section is to ensure the integrity and security of the Wagering Instruments, peripherals and any associated software.

7.1 Bill and Coin Validators

7.1.1 Bill and Coin Validators must only accept valid Wagering Instruments and reject invalid Wagering Instruments when technically possible.

7.1.2 The Wagering Instrument must be rejected when technically possible when instructed by the Gaming Device.

7.1.3 Bill and Coin Validators must resist any tampering of their operation.


Tampering may be attempted in a number of ways, such as: fishing, stringing, altering communication, interrupting the acceptance process. 

7.1.4 Bill and Coin Validators must be automatically Disabled when:

  1. A condition prevents the proper operation of the Bill or Coin Validator; or
  2. The Gaming Device is not in a state to accept Wagering Instruments. 


Examples of such conditions are: Cashbox removed or full; hardware or software error; communication error; Gaming Device is in tilt, Disabled, slot tournament or administrative mode. 

7.1.5 Bill and Coin Validators must accurately communicate all relevant information and any abnormal conditions to the Gaming Device.

7.1.6 Bill and Coin Validators must act in accordance with all commands received from the Gaming Device.

7.2 Software Integrity of Bill Validators

7.2.1 Authentication must be able to be performed on Bill Validator software to ensure the contents of the installed version match with either the software approved by the Registrar or the software provided by the Gaming-Related Supplier under the pre-approved conditions listed in section 2 entitled, “Gaming Devices and Gaming Systems Pre-Approved for Use in Ontario Requiring Notification”.

7.2.2 The Bill Validator must provide the Gaming Device with the name and version of the software being utilized by the Gaming Device, or provide an alternate method that enables the Operator to determine whether the approved software name and version is being utilized by the Gaming Device

Note:  This standard will become effective July 1, 2020.

7.2.3 The Bill Validator must perform authentication at each power up to ensure the software has not been altered or corrupted.  In the event of a failure, the Bill Validator must automatically disable itself.

7.2.4 The Bill Validator must provide the Gaming Device or an external authentication program with the cryptographic Hash or CRC value of the software it runs on demand to allow verification that the installed software is approved for use in Ontario.


It is recommended that the Bill Validator software is capable of internally calculating its software’s cryptographic Hash or CRC value on demand based on a seed value provided by the Gaming Device, and return that calculated cryptographic or CRC value back to the Gaming Device.

7.3 Hoppers

7.3.1 The Hopper must dispense the correct number of Coins, resist tampering and cheating, and send and receive relevant communication to and from the Gaming Device in order to act appropriately to maintain the security and integrity of the Gaming Device.


Tampering may be attempted in a number of ways, including shaving, spooning, monkeypaws, lightwands, altering communication, interrupting the dispensing process. 

7.3.2 A Hopper must automatically become Disabled when:

  1. A condition prevents the proper operation of the Hopper; or
  2. Errors in Coin processing are detected.

7.3.3 The Hopper must accurately communicate all relevant information and any abnormal conditions to the Gaming Device.

7.4 Printers

7.4.1 The printer must completely and accurately print the information received from the Gaming Devices for printing, and send and receive all relevant communication to and from the Gaming Devices necessary for its operation.

7.4.2 The printer must accurately communicate all error conditions and any abnormal conditions with the Gaming Device.

7.4.3 The printer must communicate the status of printed Vouchers to the Gaming Devices.


This information is necessary for the Game to ensure that a Voucher has been printed and duplicate Vouchers are not printed (i.e. two Vouchers that contain identical and sufficient information to be redeemed), and that credits are only cleared following the successful printing of a Voucher.

7.4.4 T he printer must be automatically Disabled when:

  1. A condition prevents the proper operation of the printer;
  2. Errors in Voucher processing are detected; or
  3. When instructed by the Gaming Device.