Welcome to iAGCO
As of October 26, 2020, organizations seeking charitable gaming licences from the AGCO or with active AGCO charitable gaming licences must conduct all their AGCO-related transactions online through the iAGCO web-based portal.
iAGCO helps to streamline and simplify processes for eligible organizations to apply for and conduct charitable lotteries, while continuing to protect the public interest.
To help you navigate iAGCO, follow the step-by-step instructions within this Bingo Hall Charity Association Licence iAGCO Submission Guide. You can also refer to Welcome to iAGCO – Guide for Charitable Gaming Licensees for more information on:
- Access codes
- Fees and payment
- Post-event report regulatory submission
- Requesting changes in iAGCO
- Completing forms and uploading documents
- After your application has been submitted
What’s New in iAGCO?
For quick reference on what’s new in iAGCO for all charitable gaming licensees, view Information Sheet: What’s New in iAGCO for Charitable Gaming Licensees . You will find information on:
- Post-event reports by making a Regulatory Submission
- Break Open Ticket unique identifiers
- Licence updates - Bazaar Licences and Blanket Raffle Licences
- New licence names
- Bingo Hall Charity Association Licence
- Bingo Event Licence
- Special Occasion Gaming Licence (previously referred to as a Social Gaming Licence)
- Sample forms
- Reduction in documentation requested
- Searching for Gaming Supplier Registration Numbers in iAGCO
- Lottery Trust account information