7.01 Associations failing to comply with any rule in this chapter or a track rule, shall be subject to a monetary penalty, suspension, or revocation.

7.02  Deleted.

7.02.01  An Association shall not:

  1. Operate a racetrack at which racing is conducted without applying for a licence, race dates and the post time for the first race of each program, and having them approved by the Registrar;
  2. Change its race dates or the post time for the first race on any race date by more than 30 minutes, without having such change approved by the Registrar; or
  3. Operate a racetrack without payment of the monthly fee for regulatory funding.

7.02.02 A decision of the Registrar regarding approval or non-approval of race dates is not subject to appeal.

7.02.03 The Registrar will not approve race dates for December 24th and December 25th of any year.

7.03 Before performing their duties, all Officials of an Association shall be approved in writing by the Registrar. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.

7.04  Deleted.

7.04.01 An Association shall provide facilities necessary for the Commission’s designated representatives to carry out their duties for the purposes of licensing and pre and post races duties.

7.04.02 Associations conducting extended meetings shall provide a paddock which shall have security and maintain records of all persons entering and leaving. The paddock must be constructed and policed so as to exclude unauthorized persons.

7.04.03 Associations conducting extended meetings shall provide a paddock that at minimum:

  1. includes the services of a blacksmith during racing hours
  2. ensures suitable extra equipment necessary to prevent unnecessary delay to the racing program; and
  3. includes direct communication facilities to the Judges’ stand.

7.04.04 An Association shall provide a Judges’ stand that:

  1. allows Judges to carry out their duties
  2. allows Judges to communicate to drivers any health or safety concern on the racetrack
  3. ensures security and safety; and
  4. is acceptable to the Registrar.

7.05  Deleted.

7.05.01 At extended meetings where pari-mutuel wagering is conducted, Associations shall make available to the public a printed program which shall provide as a minimum:

  1. Name, sex, colour and sire and dam of horses
  2. Names of owners and lessees of horses
  3. Names of breeders of horses
  4. Drivers’ first and last names and colours
  5. In claiming races, the price for which a horse may be claimed
  6. Gross purse money for each race designated in dollars
  7. Current summary of starts in purse races during the current year. The summary shall include the number of starts, firsts, seconds and thirds and also the earnings and best winning time for the current year. The best winning time must have been earned in either a purse or non-purse race, but not in a time trial. Qualifying races shall not be counted as a start or shown in the summary, but a winning time in a qualifying race must be shown in the summary and so designated
  8. The last six official past performance lines, if the horse has started six times at the gait
  9. Designation of drivers racing with provisional licences
  10. Designation of pacers that are racing without hopples. In mixed races, the gait of each horse shall be indicated by the words pacer or trotter beside their names
  11. Consolidation of races conducted at non-extended meetings. Consolidated lines shall include date, place, time of race, name of driver, finish position, track condition and distance, if race was not at one mile. Such races contested in heats or more than one dash may be consolidated into a single performance line
  12. Designation of a mare that has been spayed when such information is made available to the Association; and
  13. Summary of starts in purse races during the preceding year.

7.05.02  Races shall not be conducted until, in the opinion of the Judges, the Association has caused the racing surface to be suitably prepared for racing.

7.05.03   Association shall have present and readily available during all races and qualifying races appropriate ambulance or mobile first aid vehicles that are able to respond to a health or safety concern involving a participant or patron.

7.05.04  An Association shall have a horse ambulance readily available on race and qualifying days for the removal of injured animals.

7.05.05  An Association shall have warning lights available for Judges to use in the event that there is a health or safety concern on the racetrack.

7.05.06  An Association shall have a siren available for Judges to use in the event that there is an emergency or accident on the racetrack.

7.06  Deleted.

7.06.01  An Association is responsible for the general supervision and security of its premises.

7.06.02 An Association shall develop security measures to make restricted areas on their premises safe for the protection of licensees and property that is used in the business of racing. These security measures must be acceptable to the Registrar.

7.07   Any Association allowing a suspended, disqualified or excluded person or horse to participate in racing after notice from the Registrar, shall be subject to a monetary penalty for each violation.

7.08   An Association during the hours of racing shall not permit any unlicensed children to be admitted to the stable area unless in the custody of an adult and such children must remain in the custody of an adult at all times while in the stable area, or unless otherwise stipulated by the Registrar.

7.09   No Association shall allow a person under 18 years of age to purchase or cash a ticket. For the purposes of this rule, a “ticket” is defined as a receipt or voucher that is issued by an Association for one or more bets on a race or races. The Association shall ensure that signs are clearly posted in all areas where tickets are purchased or cashed or on any Association wagering application forms, advising the public of the age restriction, unless otherwise stipulated by the Registrar.

7.10  Deleted.

7.10.01 Associations shall have a system in place that ensures timely and accurate distribution of purses in accordance with the Rules of Racing.

7.10.02 Any licensee entitled to receive a purse payment from an Association, or horseperson’s organization of which the licensee is a member, may request from an Association a summary report. The request must be made within one year from the end of the relevant meeting. The summary report shall include the total purses paid, the source of all funds, and the stakes paid as a percentage of the total purses paid. An Association shall provide the summary report within 30 days of the request.

7.10.03 The Association shall ensure that any person who is entitled to a purse or other payment from the monies that are intended for purposes of purses shall receive the purse or other payment. Where the person who is entitled to such purse or other payment cannot be located within two years of the end of the meeting, the Association may, consider the monies as monies received for purposes of purses in the subsequent meeting.

7.10.04 At the request of the Registrar, at the close of each meeting, an Association shall provide a report to the Registrar with any of the following:

  1. the handle;
  2. paid attendance;
  3. total purses paid;
  4. provincial government revenue from wagering; or
  5. Association revenue from wagering for each meeting.

7.11  Deleted.

7.11.01    An Association shall not make a condition of entry requiring a licensee to consent to Association personnel or their agent(s) entering the licensee’s property, including public training centres that the licensee occupies, for the purposes of conducting search and seizure.

7.11.02   An Association is prohibited from collecting biological samples from a horse without the Registrar’s prior approval. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.

7.12  Deleted.

7.12.01   Any owner, driver or trainer who had a horse start in a race can make a written request to the Judges to view the race video. The Judges shall fix a time for the viewing, which shall be held as soon as practical after the race in question. At least one of the three Judges shall attend the viewing explain to those present what happened in the race.

7.12.02   A Judge may require a licensee to attend a special showing of a race for the purposes of training or education.

7.12.03   Associations or their delegate shall keep on file, race video of each race for one year after the last racing day of the previous year.

7.13  Deleted.

7.13.01   All track rules are subject to approval by the Registrar.

7.13.02   The Registrar may approve a track rule that varies the Rules of Racing for any reason including where that variation addresses local issues specific to operations.

7.13.03   Commission Officials and Judges may enforce track rules and monetary penalties or suspensions may be imposed. Enforcement includes issuing a ruling and collecting a penalty.

7.13.04   A “suspension” in a track rule can only refer to a suspension of licence and cannot be used to refer to loss of privileges to access the property of an Association.

7.13.05   A track rule cannot add an additional penalty on a Rule of Racing except a penalty that may be applied by an Association as it relates to the conduct of their employees.

7.13.06   A track rule cannot require membership in a horseperson’s association.

7.13.07   Where the Association wishes to reference a Rule of Racing in a track rule, they must clearly and specifically identify the Rule of Racing.

7.13.08   Associations shall post track rules in the paddock and the race office and may post electronically.

7.14  Deleted.

7.15  Deleted.

7.16.01  Deleted.

7.16.02  Deleted.

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7.16.04  Deleted.

7.16.05  Deleted.

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7.16.09  Deleted.

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7.17  Deleted.

7.18  Deleted.